Photo Credit: Jewish Press

When I shared the news with my family, all I got was what I always got from them, a deafening silence.  Since Oren was not chassidish, my father wanted nothing to do with us.  My mother, however, whispered into the phone that she would come to the wedding and that she wished me nothing but happiness.  Those were the first loving words I had heard from my mother and I was overwhelmed with emotion.

So now it’s my turn to show hakoras hatov to the Rebono Shel Olam for all the wondrous miracles He has blessed me with: a second family of loving friends, a loving man who saw beauty in me even when it was hidden behind a mask of ugliness and the gift of a whole and normal face.  It behooves me to share with your readers the belief that, with faith in Hashem, nothing is impossible and that we have the ability to achieve any goal or succeed in any venture, if only we trust that with Hashem’s help we can overcome all the obstacles.  I am living proof of this.  May Moshiach arrive to be Mesader Keddushin under our chuppah and everyone dance at our wedding in Yerushalayim Habnuya!





My dear friend,

Many letters have come my way over the years, my ears have heard amazing stories, of grief, of joy and everything in between, but yours stands out above all. Your life has been a roller coaster of pain and persecution, and yet, reads like a novel that, ultimately, takes an upswing turn and culminates in a happy ending. After all that you have had to endure, revel in the blessings Hashem has sent you. 

Your letter is an inspiration to all of us. Your faith and bitachon in our Heavenly Father carried you through to your present happiness.  May Hakodosh Boruch Hu continue to smile upon you, Oren and all your future offspring.  Mazal Tov!


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