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Later was lunchtime which meant I’d have a problem since I like to serve “Shabbos soup” (i.e. – chicken soup) for Friday’s lunch but the main ingredient was still missing. What met my eyes was quite a surprise, though, since the soup looked as “chicken-y” as ever! Even I was fooled into reminding my son to use a placemat under his hot soup bowl before putting it on the milchig table… And best of all, our parve chicken soup even passed the family “taste test” – no one guessed something was amiss-ing…

Below you will find a great recipe for tilapia fillets. This, too, falls into the category of “easy does it.” The outcome? Out of this world! You can try it with almost any kind of fish – salmon, sole or halibut with fantastic results no less.


But first here’s a cheesecake question and answer:

Why does my cheesecake “crack” while it bakes? I bake it on 350°F for the first 10 minutes, then lower the heat to 300°F. Is this the correct method for cheese cakes?

Your method is indeed correct. The problem you describe rises from the fact that cheese products tend to expand in the heat and “blow up” so when you remove your cheesecake from the oven, it will deflate and possibly “crack.” One suggestion: Leave the cake in the oven after you turn it off, until it cools completely. Another idea: Use a good “cover-up” like dairy whipped cream.

So make your Shavuos seudah this year with ease and with flair. I’m sure you’ll find what to do with the extra time you’ll have out of the chicken… I mean kitchen!



Tantalizing Fillets of Tilapia with Curry Sauce

6 tilapia fillets
2 teaspoons salt
¼ cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon curry powder


Place the fillets on your workspace skin-side down. Sprinkle the salt evenly over the fish, then squeeze the lemon over the fish and set aside for about 30 minutes to neutralize the “fishy” odor.

Sprinkle the curry powder over the fish. Place in a Pyrex dish skin-side down. Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 400°F for about 20 minutes or until fish turns opaque in the center.

Tip: If you like your fillets skinless pull the skin off with a sharp knife while still frozen.

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Mindy Rafalowitz is a recipe developer and food columnist for over 15 years. She has published a best selling cookbook in Hebrew for Pesach and the gluten sensitive. Mindy is making progress on another specialty cookbbok for English readers. For kitchen questions or to purchase a sample recipe booklet at an introductory price, contact Mindy at [email protected].