Yishai Fleisher analyzes exclusive Trump interview with Israel HaYom at Mar A Lago for an extended 30 minute sit down. President Trump gives detailed answers on the Gaza War, his policies for the Middle East and Israel, Jerusalem, the Abraham Accords, global trade, 10/7 and Israeli security, American elections and more.

Thank you to Omer Lachmanovitch (Editor-in-Chief Israel HaYom) and Ariel Kahana (Senior Diplomatic Correspondent Israel HaYom) for this deep dive into critical issues for Israel and the world.

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Yishai Fleisher is a Contributing Editor at JewishPress.com, talk-show host, and International Spokesman for the Jewish community of Hebron, an Israeli Paratrooper, a graduate of Cardozo Law School, and the founder of Kumah ("Arise" in Hebrew), an NGO dedicated to promoting Zionism and strengthening Israel's national character. Yishai is married to Malkah, and they live in the settlement of Efrat with their children.