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( An Israeli businessman was saved by his wiles in Bogota, Colombia, last Friday, and a former policeman was arrested Sunday on suspicion of kidnapping for ransom, Ynet reported.

Last Friday, the Israeli businessman, who arrived in Colombia on Thursday, was driven by the suspect, who was employed as the Israeli’s bodyguard, to a farm two armed locals informed him he was kidnapped and must pay $7.5 million to win his freedom.


The indictment against the abductor details how the Israeli businessman to evade his captor. When he was alone with the former cop, the Israel managed to convince him that could pay him a million euros. The man agreed, but demanded another $15 thousand for his associates.

The Israeli agreed, but said that he had to call a friend to get the money. According to reports in the Colombian media, he then called the Israeli embassy in Bogota and said in Hebrew that he had been kidnapped and described where he was being held.

Other sources reported that the Israeli did not call the embassy directly, but called some friends instead, and they called the embassy. Shortly thereafter, Colombian security forces raided the local hotel where Israeli was being held and he was released unharmed.

“The kidnappers threatened to pull his fingernails, cut off his fingers, and tear out his eyes with a knife,” the prosecutor told the judge when he filed the indictment. If convicted, the former police officer could spend 28 years in prison.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry confirmed the report.

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