Photo Credit: Nati Shohat/Flash90
Israeli Border Police officers (archival image)

Dozens of Arabs rioted and threw Molotov cocktails, stones, and explosives at an IDF force during an overnight operation of the Samaria Brigade in Shechem.

The force operated in the Balata refugee camp to arrest an Arab wanted for interrogation.


An explosive charge that blew up near the force injured two soldiers. The two were evacuated for medical treatment, one in moderate condition, the other mild.

Also, during the night, Arabs rioted in the Issawia neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem and threw Molotov cocktails and stones at police officers.

In Hawara in Samaria, Arabs threw stones at vehicles, as well as at the settlement of Avnei Hefetz.

Vehicles were stoned by Arabs Tuesday night near the Arab village of Beit Ummar in Gush Etzion as well as near Mevo Dotan in northern Samaria.

Since the beginning of 5781, seven Jews have been injured as a result of the stones terrorism, including three IDF soldiers.

This information is part of the “muted intifada” diary of Hakol Hayehudi. This item appeared originally in Hakol Hayehudi: שכם: שני חיילי צה”ל נפצעו ממטען שהשליכו ערבים

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Yehuda Pearl manages HaKol HaYehudi. This article was published in English in cooperation with HaKol Hayudi.