Photo Credit: IBG
Itamar Ben-Gvir going up to the Temple Mount. Jan. 3, 2022

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir went up to the Temple Mount on Tuesday morning, on Asara b’Tevet, the 10th of Tevet Fast day. He was accompanied by police. This is the first time that Minister Ben Gvir ascended the Mount since the elections.


On Sunday, after it became public knowledge that Ben-Gvir was planning to go up to the Temple Mount on the fast day, Hamas began expressing their anger. But for their actual threats to respond, Hamas used “unnamed sources” in the messages they sent to the Lebanese al Mayadeen news outlet, so just in case Ben-Gvir did go up they wouldn’t be forced to act on those statements.

Former PM Yair Lapid said that Ben-Gvir would be endangering lives by going up and it should be forbidden for him to go up.

On Monday, Ben-Gvir and Netanyahu met privately regarding the visit, and it seemed that Netanyahu had convinced Ben-Gvir to not go up for security reasons. Ben-Gvir gave the impression he wasn’t going up today, while at the same time, the Likud denied Netanyahu told him to not go up.

Everyone thought the manufactured crisis was over.

To most everyone’s surprise, Ben-Gvir went up on Tuesday morning without announcing he was going up in advance, which is the same way he has done it in the past. The visit lasted 13 minutes.

Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said about his visit to the Temple Mount:

“Our government will not surrender to the threats of Hamas. The Temple Mount is the most important place for the people of Israel, and we maintain the freedom of movement for Muslims and Christians, but Jews will also go up to the mountain and those who make threats must be dealt with, with an iron hand.”

Last night Ben-Gvir held a situation assessment with the Police Commissioner and the Jerusalem District Commander and met with the head of the Shin Bet and they all determined that there is no obstacle for Ben-Gvir to go up to the Temple Mount. Security officials who participated in the assessment of the situation also believed that folding in the face of the threats would be a reward for terrorism and legitimizing actions against Israel.

Tom Nisani, CEO of Beyadenu for the Temple Mount, congratulated Ben Gvir’s ascendence to the Mount: “Minister Ben Gvir deserves all the respect for ascending the Temple Mount and not capitulating to Hamas’ threats. The sun keeps shining and the Middle East isn’t on fire. Even if there are those who would try to ignite the area, the time has come to truly be a free people in our land, including the Temple Mount.”

The Fast of the 10th of Tevet commemorates the Babylonian siege on Jerusalem in 588 BCE, which ultimately culminated in the destruction of the Jewish people’s First Temple.

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