The Al Jazeera NetworkA24 News Agency YouTube channel and the Al-Resalah YouTube channel aired videos of a military exhibition titled “Generation of Jerusalem,” held in the Gaza Strip on Nov. 14-15.

According to a report by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), the program was organized by Hamas and its student wing, the Islamic Bloc.


The exhibition showed children, students and the public observing weapons used by Hamas, along with a simulation of the “liberation” of the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Senior Hamas official Ismail Radwan stated that the exhibition aims to prepare the “generation of Jerusalem and Palestine” to free Palestinian prisoners.

The head of the Islamic Bloc in western Gaza, Abd Al-Latif Zughra, said the simulators are the same ones used in training by Hamas fighters. Visitors can perform a mock overtaking of Al-Aqsa, as well as “practice” drone attacks against Israeli settlements.

According to the report, the event showcased locally made weapons such as the Qassam M-75 rocket, the Al-Ghoul sniper rifle, drones, hand grenades and bombs.

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