Photo Credit: Jamal Awad/Flash90
Jews on the Temple Mount.

Our friends at Beyadenu, a group dedicated to bringing Jews to the Temple Mount, WhatsApped yours truly, asking, “So, how has the war, Swords of Iron, affected the ascension to the Temple Mount?” I admit that I haven’t been devoting much attention to the Temple Mount recently, and I expect that you didn’t either, but the question – which is the basic mode of communication between Jews – was nonetheless intriguing. So, I read on:

In previous years, according to Beyadenu, the number of Jews ascending during the same period, following the start of the Jewish New Year were:


In 5782 – 13,170
In 5783 – 15,170

“We anticipated fewer people to bravely answer the call to ascend to the site, due to fear of increased attacks against Jews, reservists being called up to fight in the war, and the decrease in tourism,” the Beyadenu people built up the surprise, adding, “But the people of Israel will not be intimidated by terrorism. Now, more than ever, Jews are rallying to ascend the Temple Mount, to pray, and to stand strong for their heritage and country in the place where it matters the most. We expect nothing less from the heroes that understand the importance of the Temple Mount being in Jewish hands, especially now.”

This heroic speech (no cynicism involved) concluded with the numbers:

In 5784, in the period since Rosh Hashanah: 15,600 Jews.

Or, as our cousins across the green line would have put it: “15,600 settlers stormed al Aqsa Mosque.”

Happy storming to one and all!

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