Stephen Paddock Gives Mental Illness A Bad Name

Let's label Paddock for what he was: A diabolically evil person not a person suffering from mental illness.

Conducting The Defense In Capital Punishment Cases (Sanhedrin 32b)

If both sets of witnesses have withstood the rigor of the court’s cross examination, why, one might ask, does the beit din believe the evidence of the second set of witnesses more than the first?

The Supreme Court’s ‘Jewish Seat’

But by no means do all Supreme Court experts agree that there never was a Jewish seat. Two fascinating examples are President Lyndon Johnson and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Religious Liberty For Me But Not For Thee

Rather than aiding bigotry, Trump is standing up for a principle that Jews ought to be defending: Religious liberty

Move Over, Sandy Koufax

While NFL players are running away from their country and refusing to stand during the national anthem, Israel’s professional athletes are doing the complete opposite! They are connecting to their nation and showing just how proud they are to be Jewish.

Fatah-Hamas Reconciliation: A Fusion Of Evils

Trump should proclaim that unless Israel’s adversaries are ready to cease their incitement and condemn terrorism, the U.S. will no longer tolerate those who pay lip service to peace while encouraging and financing mass murder.

The Hypocritical Reaction To The President’s Stance On Iran

It will be recalled that JCPOA was adopted as an act of Congress – rather than, as would have been expected, a treaty.

Reaffirming Israel’s Centrality To Modern Orthodoxy

The flight represented the remarkable diversity of the Jewish people, united by a common thread: each passenger was fulfilling a dream to live in Eretz Yisrael and contribute to its culture and its burgeoning economy.

Trust Issues?

The more results you can contribute, the more people will trust you and want to work with you and for you.

Bumper To Bumper

On that particular day the aforementioned rav and the rosh yeshiva left the yeshiva for a few hours to research an army base that could possibly offer some opportunities to their boys down the line.

The Responsibility Of A Guarantor (Siman 77:3)

The halacha is that the lender may proceed to collect the entire amount of the loan from one of the guarantors.

Here A Fascist, There A Fascist, Everywhere A Fascist

The hysteria, and evident delusion, over the perceived sudden resurgence of fascism and the subsequent demonization of anyone who expresses conservative thought, supports Trump, or refuses to cave to the thrall of identity politics and political correctness on campuses, has given campus activists a new and potent tool in their campaign against any ideas they do not like –meaning, of course, any ideas that challenge their preconceived and leftist notions.

Gun Safety Is Our Issue Too

Since Columbine, mass shootings have become much more deadly. NO ONE should have access to a gun without proper screening and training--and, outside of the military, NO ONE should have assault weapons

A Little More Sensitivity

A heart rending story shared by Rebbetzin Jungreis (a"h). Remember, our sages taught us that there is no greater virtue than silence, so before we speak let us think, evaluate, and remain silent.

An Anti-Semitic Smear Gets Another Hearing

Those who want to besmirch Israel’s supporters as undermining U.S. interests without being rightly labeled as anti-Semites are fooling no one.

The Greatest Libel Since the Blood Libel

That America today oppresses minorities and women is as far from the truth as was the claim that Jews used Christian blood for matzah. Indeed, no country in the world is so accepting of minorities as fellow citizens as America.

Do You Eat In The Sukkah On Shemini Atzeret ?

The Torah commands us to sit in the sukkah for seven days. Should we sit in the sukkah on a day that may be the eighth day when we are not commanded to sit in the sukkah at all?

Mixed Tzedakah

There were always some organizations, though, that would not come to collect the money until after Yom Kippur. Mr. Sender was careful to place each tzedakah plate neatly under the bimah.

Q & A: Unforgiving

Question: A while back I wronged someone. When I realized my error and the pain it caused, I made restitution and also offered a sincere apology. While the restitution was accepted, the party still continues to bear a grudge even though I have made repeated entreaties to him. I am sure that if the situation were reversed, the individual would expect me to forgive him. Is it possible for you to discuss the concept of “loving your fellow man as yourself”? I am sure it will be helpful to me and many other readers. M.G. Miami Beach, FL

Daf Yomi

The Greatest Reward Of Public Service ‘…[He] Who Leads The Public Gently …’ (Sanhedrin 92a)

Your Gashmius Is My Ruchnius

What possible comparison is there between this simple mitzvah of leaving a portion to the poor man and the colossal mitzvah of bringing all of the sacrifices on each holiday?

Age Of Identity

World wars made national identity, and later made identity, in general, a dirty word. Seventy years later, humanity once again is seeking identity. The holiday of sukkot exemplifies the concept of identity for the Jewish nation, and all the nations of the world.

Yes, There’s Room For Israel

The premise of the Torah is that G-d must be found somewhere in particular if He is to be found everywhere in general. As Shabbat is holy time, Israel is holy space. That is why, in Judaism, religion is tied to a land, and a land is linked to a religion.

The Summer Of ‘67

Events morphed into what became known as the Six-Day War. While the war lasted less than a week, millions of words were devoted to it in newspapers and magazines over the days and weeks that followed.


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