That’s Abu Mazen, as in Holocaust denier. He received his Ph.D in history at Moscow Oriental College. His doctoral dissertation claimed that the number of Jewish victims of the Holocaust was not six million, but in fact fewer than one million, and that they were victims of a Zionist-Nazi plot. In 1983 he published his dissertation as a book, The Other Side: Secret Relations Between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement. In 1984, he added an introduction to the book in which he raised doubts that gas chambers were used by the Nazis for the murder of Jews.

That’s Abu Mazen, as in financier of the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre. According to the mastermind of the Munich attack, Mohammed Daoud Oudeh — Abu Daoud — Abu Mazen provided the funds to carry out the Black September operation. Daoud made that charge in his 1999 memoir (published in French) Palestine: From Jerusalem to Munich and again in an August 2002 interview with Don Yaeger of Sports Illustrated magazine.


That’s Abu Mazen, who in a March 3, 2003 interview with the Arabic language Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper — this was just before he was appointed prime minister — called for the killing of Jewish ‘settlers.’ Four days later, terrorists murdered Rabbi Eli and Dina Horowitz in Kiryat Arba. Recently Mrs. Bernice Wolf, Dina Horowitz’s mother, filed a complaint with the Israeli police against Abu Mazen, charging him with incitement to murder.

To prove his credentials as a ‘moderate’ and a democrat who wouldn’t think of excluding any group from political involvement in the Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen called on Hamas to join the PA. He offered two cabinet positions, including control of the Ministry of Education — meaning that Hamas would oversee the curricula in all Palestinian schools. (Suicide-bombing 101?) 

Hamas turned down the offer, but so much for those who thought ‘moderate’ Prime Minister Abu Mazen would bring an end to incitement against Israel. So much for a changing of the guard at Terror Central.

But the Quartet very much accepted Abu Mazen as a democrat and a moderate. Even in Israel there were those eager to kasher him. And in the wake of the latest wave of homicide bombings that in the space of a few days killed or wounded more than 60 Israelis, the new line being peddled in certain quarters in Israel and in capitals around the globe is that Arafat is blocking Abu Mazen’s attempts to stop the terrorists.

According to the road map, “The government of Israel immediately dismantles settlement outposts erected since March 2001. Consistent with the Mitchell Report, the government of Israel freezes all settlement activity (including natural growth of settlements).”

During Phase II (The Transition, June 2003-December 2003), an international conference is to be convened by the Quartet for the “Creation of an independent Palestinian state with provisional borders…As part of this process, implementation of prior agreements, to enhance maximum territorial contiguity, including further action on settlements…”

Exactly what ‘action’ does the road map have in store?

According to a number of reports, the CIA will be used to oversee the implementation of the road map. There will be a Special Operations Committee whose main purpose is to see that ‘settlement’ activity is ‘frozen’ and ‘outposts’ are ‘evacuated’ — which of course means the expulsion of Jews from their homes. Speaking at a recent American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference, Secretary of State Colin Powell said that “Settlement activity is simply inconsistent with President Bush’s two-state vision,”? and he quoted the president’s statement that “as progress is made toward peace, settlement activity in the Occupied Territories must end.”


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