Photo Credit: Serge Attal/Flash90

– Those who whine that it is impossible to find a job in America will have to explain how it is that every single illegal immigrant in the US who does not even speak English manages to find a job.

– Americans who live below the poverty line live in larger homes, are more likely to own their home, are more likely to own cars and durable goods, and eat more protein than do Europeans and Japanese who are NOT below their own poverty lines. Many low-income Americans have Big Screen TV’s, DVD’s and even Jacuzzis.


– Low-income Americans weigh more than other Americans, have much higher obesity rates, and are hardly “hungry.” Over-eating is one of the most severe health problems in the United States.

– A large portion of “capital” in capitalist countries is owned by workers through pension programs and similar financial institutions.

– The “homeless” are by and large people with psychiatric problems and/or substance abuse problems and/or teenage runaways, and so American “homelessness” has little to do with income distribution. Even if income distribution were perfectly equitable, the homelessness rate would not change much, unless laws were changed making their institutionalization easier.

– The minimum wage creates unemployment and destroys jobs.

– Someone incapable of providing a labor service worth more than $5 an hour to employers will be out of a job if the law requires that he or she be paid $10 an hour.

– Low income people are better off when they are employed at $5 an hour than when they are unemployed while wages for the employed are $10 an hour.

– Unions create unemployment and reduce the number of people in unionized professions who are employed.

– Rent controls create housing shortages, raise the effective cost of housing for low-income people, produce massive quality deterioration in the housing stock, and may even contribute at the margin to homelessness because of the shortage in housing they create.

– People in Cuba earn $20 a month on average. Before communism Cuba was the richest country in Latin America. Now it is the poorest.

– Poor people in the US do not steal fishing boats to escape to Cuba. South Koreans do not steal boats to escape to North Korea.

– Wealthy people overseas with health problems come to the United States to get care. They do not go to Cuba.

– People all over the globe seeking high-quality university education come to the United States to get it. They do not go to North Korea or Cuba.


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Steven Plaut is a professor at the University of Haifa. He can be contacted at [email protected]