Photo Credit: No Credit / Twitter @1717Bazz

IDF soldier on Friday arrested two terrorists who attempted a terror attack at the Machoch farm in the Benjamin region north of Jerusalem. One of the two terrorists wielded an axe with the intent to use it to harm people.


Searches of their vehicle, which authorities suspect was stolen, uncovered additional axes as well as knives.

The two Arab terrorists broke into the Machoch farm to attack people and were caught between the houses of the residents by members of the local civil defense squad.

The IDF explained that Friday morning’s event, which was prevented at the last minute, joined two other such incidents that took place on the farm’s territory since the outbreak of the war against Hamas in Gaza. In one of the attacks, which occurred just three days after the October 7 massacre, three Arabs who entered the farm’s territory were caught after a chase. The three held knives, an ax and other weapons.

The IDF reported that the two captured terrorists are residents of Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem and Al Azaria and that they managed somehow to bypass a roadblock located at the entrance to the road leading to the farm. They observed the farm for “many minutes” before proceeding with the attack.

After that, the terrorists continued with the stolen vehicle towards the farm where they were identified by the security team after entering the line of houses.

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