Photo Credit: Issam Rimawi/Flash90

While it is true that Israel finds itself in a difficult position resulting from International and American pressure, a delegitimization campaign, a demographic inferiority and a land squeeze, committing national suicide by banking on empty American assurances is not the solution to these problems. Further concessions in response to US pressures will put Israel’s security in jeopardy without advancing the cause of peace.

The main reason that the Palestinian leadership has held on to demands that they know will never be acceptable to Israel, is that they realize that peace with Israel will, paradoxically, bring an end to the Palestinian entity. It will dissolve the adhesive that holds the Palestinians together and it will result in a loss of political control and cohesion. It will add thousands of Jihadist warriors to the ranks of the disgruntled and unemployed, who will flood the streets, and voila another ‘Arab Spring’, a Palestinian one. Peace with Israel for the Palestinians leadership is a dive into a dark and bottomless abyss, and based on their track record they seem to be more at home with a perpetual state of war.

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