Daf Yomi

The Longest Mesechta? ‘We Shall Return To You…’ (Bava Basra 176b)

Discovering Their Yahrzeits

As your family came from France, it is likely that they were transported to Auschwitz and murdered there, he told us.

Honoring The Wishes Of The Deceased

When does the obligation of mitzvah lekayem divrei ha’met apply, and how could it have improved Jill’s position?

Are Defendants Obligated To Rebut Hearsay Evidence Under Oath? (Siman 75:21)

It should, therefore, be deemed insufficient to oblige the defendant to take the Shevuat Heiset oath of denial.

Something To Cry About

The Gemara says that anyone who mourns the churban will merit seeing the nechama.

Take What You Deserve?

Mr. Gefen approached Rabbi Dayan and related the story. Can I take from the store what I deserve? asked Mr. Gefen.

Aleph Beta: Pinchas: What Does It Mean To Be Zealous For God?

Is Pinchas, the title character of this parsha, and Eliyahu, the prophet of Kings, really one and the same?

Framing Our Vision

The challenge of these Three Weeks leading to Tisha b'Av? Learning to see the hope beyond the suffering,developing the vision of a healed world, so that we too can find the right words in our mouths to share our vision

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Pinchas: The Yehoshua Moshe Did Not Know

Moshe was not able to see that Yehoshua was fit for the job. On some level, this seems strange considering their long-standing relationship.

Q & A: Praying In Other Languages (Part IV)

Question: When reciting a berachah in English, does a person fulfill his obligation if he says “Hashem” instead of “L-rd” or “G-d”? Yosef

Tefillah: A Meeting With Hashem – The True King

Seeing the honor afforded a gentile king or queen provides us with a tangible example of what is in store for us.

To (Let It) Be Or Not To (Let It) Be

Are they disparate events that coincidentally all occurred on the same day or do they perhaps share a common denominator?

Daf Yomi

A Shidduch Solution ‘Known In A Town For 30 Days…’ +---------------- (Bava Basra 167b)

A People That Dwells Alone

Where then does Jewish singularity emerge? The clue lies in the precise wording of Bilaam’s blessing: “Behold it is a  people  that dwells alone.”

Home Sweet Home

It was only when he finally touched down on the much-missed holy soil of Eretz Yisrael that everything began to rapidly spiral out of control.

The Law Of The Land

Why does the halacha not recognize the validity of wills made in accordance with the law of the land?

Building the Stage

Balaam, the dedicated thespian, could not overpower the prophecy of Moses because Moses was not a performer. Moses saw his role as building the stage on which his people, present and future, would perform.

Is The Kosel A Holy Place?

Perhaps the reason this conflict erupted was for the purpose of reminding us that the Kosel is a holy sanctified place, which must be treated as such.

When The Litigants Are The Heirs Of The Original Parties (Siman 75:20)

Either way, the defendant does not have to take an oath to rebut the claim of an uncertain plaintiff.

The Hilltop Youth

The generation of Jews who left Egypt and received the Torah on Mount Sinai, dreamed of entering the promised land and settling in it.

Visiting Day Nightmare (Part II)

Wisdom from Rebbetzin Jungreis, a”h, on of all things, summer camp visiting day, which is soon approaching

A Light to the Nations?

Why did G-d use Bilaam to bless the Jews, if by doing so He enabled Bilaam to learn how best to attack us?

Thoughts to Ponder: The Kotel – Have We Gone Mad?

The Wall is not a synagogue. It never was a synagogue and should never become one. It is a place where we Jews can meet, pray and share what we have in common instead of focusing on what divides us; where we can smile at each other even when we vehemently disagree.

A Modern Day Inquisition: Rabbi Joseph Dweck

Those rabbis attacking Rabbi Dweck may be great Talmudic scholars, but instead of using their exceptional knowledge to make Orthodox Judaism more and more vibrant, they drown in it and become stuck in the quicksand of intransigence, which they themselves have created.

Lot’s Legacy

Lot and Avraham were related in their inner core, if not in what was open and visible to all.

Visiting Day Nightmare

Need advice on handling upcoming camp visiting day? The wisdom of Rebbetzin Jungreis {zt"l}endures and remains relevant and helpful

Q & A: Praying In Other Languages (Part II)

Question: When reciting a berachah in English, does a person fulfill his obligation if he says “Hashem” instead of “L-rd” or “G-d”? Yosef

Cracked Glasses

My glasses! exclaimed Moshe. I hung them on the seat in front and you cracked them.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/weekly-luach/parshas-pinchas-6/2017/07/13/

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