Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

Here’s the thing, though: Israel cannot balance its security needs with a Palestinian state, because as soon as the latter is in place, Israel would no longer be able to protect itself nearly as well as it does now, and it’s not excelling so much at that these days.

Ban concludes: “…the time has come for Israelis, Palestinians and the international community to read the writing on the wall: the status quo is untenable. Keeping another people under indefinite occupation undermines the security and the future of both Israelis and Palestinians.”


Which is why Israel must impose its rule on Area C in Judea and Samaria, and end the occupation of 400,000 Jews and about 60,00 Arabs. It should then break down the PA into five to ten, autonomous municipal blocks, with the full support of the Israeli government, to help them thrive politically and economically. It would effectively put an end to the occupation, once and for all. Now, that’s a plan.


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