The nationalist Legal Grounds organization in Israeli has applauded actress Scarlett Johansson for standing up for Israeli-based SodaStream and invited her to Israel as their guest “to see for herself the benefits that SodaStream and other Israeli companies based in Judea and Samaria provide to people of all religions and ethnicities.”

SodaStream recently signed on Johansson as its world ambassador, including an appearance in a commercial to be telecast during the Super Bowl game on Sunday. The company also is on the Boycott Israel target list because one of its 20 factories in the world is located east of Jerusalem, in the Judean Desert that the Palestinian Authority claims is its territory.


Johansson issued a statement earlier this week that SodaStream’s policy of hiring Palestinian Authority workers and giving them equal opportunity and benefits with Jews represents the road to peace.

She stated that she supports “neighbors working alongside each other, receiving equal pay, equal benefits and equal rights. That is what is happening in their Ma’alah Adumim factory every working day.” The factory is located in the city’s Mishor Adumim industrial park.

“We would like to recognize Scarlett Johansson for standing up to the anti-Israel BDS movement,” said the Legal Grounds Committee. At a time when there are those who seek to force their agenda through threats of boycotts and increased isolation, it is refreshing to see a public figure who does not just accept the false narrative of ‘illegal settlements’ and ‘occupation’ but understands the subtleties of the issues.”

“We encouraged our followers on Facebook to support Scarlett,” it added. We also applaud SodaStream for serving as such a fine example of the practical application of our Legal Grounds in Judea and Samaria.”

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