Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson
Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip on Nov. 9, 2023.

IDF soldiers of the Golani Brigade eliminated seven terrorists within ten minutes this weekend thanks to having access to quick and efficient intelligence in the field.

That is taking place because dozens of ADANIM (Deployable-level Intel) are operational for the first time and are providing intelligence to forces operating in Gaza.


The Center for Defense and Operational Maneuvers is an integrative organization in the Intelligence Directorate tasked with producing, researching and making tactical intelligence accessible to the operational front in order to improve the operational effectiveness of the forces in the field in both defense and offense and lead to quick coordination of firepower combining accurate intelligence and effective firepower.

“In routine times, the center focuses on force-building for emergencies — but now for the first time, it is supporting IDF operational activity,” the IDF said.

Each division and operating brigade has a back office named ADAN (Deployable-level intel), to integrate and use the variety of sources of gathering and analysis in the Intelligence Directorate and the intelligence community, making the intel accessible to forces in the field.

The operational demand comes from the division and the brigade to ADAN, where a complete response is given.

In one office, signal monitors, network intelligence officers, analysts, and researchers sit together with the goal of protecting our forces and eliminating Hamas terrorists.

Another example of quick coordination that took place in the Defense and Operations Center is the elimination of the commander of the Naser Radwan Company, the terrorist Ahmed Siam.

On Friday morning (November 10), ADAN Givati received the indication of the unusual presence of Ahmed Siam at a school in northern Gaza. It was revealed that Ahmed Siam was holding about a thousand Gaza residents as hostages and human shields in the Rantisi hospital and preventing them from evacuating to the south.

Cross-checking several layers of research with all the sources confirmed his presence above the ground. At noon, he was targeted by an Air Force aircraft using close coordination.

“One of the most significant challenges for intelligence on the ground is receiving information available in the Intelligence Directorate across its plethora of units: 8200, 9900, 504 and turning it into knowledge for the soldiers in the field. The ADAN allows us as a division in the field to sharpen that edge,” explained Intelligence Officer of the 401st Brigade, Maj Y.

“The relationship with the ADAN works effectively since it is an organic part of the brigade, which also routinely trains with the brigade and participates in its combat procedures.

“In this war, we took this multidisciplinary organization and raised it to a new level: all the intelligence personnel in the field are connected by earpiece to the ADAN personnel, thus succeeding in maintaining close coordination against terrorists.

“This is expressed in operating firepower or directing a tank in the field towards those terrorists. ADAN 401 is responsible for many terrorists who were killed following that close coordination.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.