Photo Credit: courtesy, Hadashot HaGva'ot
Jewish shepherd attacked by a Palestinian Authority terrorist with an axe. Oct. 26 2023

Palestinian Authority terrorists attacked Jewish shepherds early Thursday in the Rimonim area of the Binyamin region.

Two of the shepherds were badly injured, including one who was unconscious when Israeli medics reached them. Local sources reported that one of the victims was struck on the head with an axe carried by one of the terrorists.


The attackers managed to escape and remain at large.

United Hatzalah medical volunteer EMT Netanel Bukaya was one of the first responders at the scene. “According to eyewitnesses, the two men were injured as a result of being struck by stones that were thrown at them,” Bukaya said. “Together with IDF medical teams, I treated them for their injuries prior to their being transported to the hospital for definitive care.

“One of the injured individuals was in serious condition and the other was in moderate condition at the time of transport.”

The terrorists had sneaked up on the shepherds under the cover of Arab teams harvesting their olives and began hurling heavy, sharp-edged rocks at their victims.

During the fall season, Arab olive growers are given access to areas very close to Jewish communities in order to harvest their fruit and tend to their groves.

The attackers fled towards the Arab village of Deir Jarr.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.