Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson
An IDF force outside the home of the Homesh terrorists, Dec. 19, 2021.

IDF forces operated overnight Monday in the village of Silat al-Haratia in northern Samaria, to map the home of the terrorists suspected of carrying out the shooting attack at the Homesh junction where Yehuda Dimentman H’yd was murdered last Thursday night.

The mapping was carried out in preparation for the demolition of the home. Demolition orders were handed to the terrorists’ families.


According to the IDF, the force was met with heavy fire by the local villagers and returned fire. None of our soldiers were injured. The clashes began in a riot that broke out at the site, during which dozens of Arabs threw stones and explosives at the forces, who responded by firing and using means to disperse demonstrations.

Silat al-Haratia was the birthplace of Abdullah Yusuf Azzam who is considered the spiritual founder of Al Qaeda.

Opposition MKs stopped at the site of the Homesh terrorist murder on their way to the Yeshiva, Dec. 19, 2021. / Courtesy of MK Smotrich

Following the call of Religious Zionism Chairman MK Bezalel Smotrich to go the Homesh and break through the siege of security forces at the settlement, Religious Zionism MKs Smotrich, Orit Strock, Itamar Ben Gvir, and Ofir Sofer arrived, as did Likud MK Shlomo Karhi. They spent the night with the Homesh yeshiva students.

MKs Yitzhak Pindrus (United Torah Judaism), Moshe Arbel (Shas), and Avi Maoz (Religious Zionism) are expected to arrive later this week.

Smotrich issued a statement saying the appropriate Zionist response to the murder in Homesh is the repeal of the 2005 Disengagement Law that decreed the evacuation of Homesh’s 70 families and the destruction of their homes, and the resumption of settlement in Homesh.

The MKs came to Homesh to ensure that the security force’s siege was lifted and to demand that the settlement and the yeshiva be regulated and legalized. They responded to unofficial messages in the media from the powers that be that the quickest way to prevent a future bloody attack in Homesh would be the evacuation of all the students.

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