Photo Credit: Flash90
PA Chairman Mahmud Abbas leads a meeting of the PLO executive committee in Ramallah, Aug. 07, 2016.

Qadri Abu Bakr, Chairman of the PLO’s Detainees and Ex-Detainees Commission, was killed Saturday afternoon in a car accident on Route 505 south of Shechem.

At least two more individuals, including a man and his wife, were also pronounced dead as a result of the accident.


PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas eulogized Abu Bakr “as a strong freedom fighter who has spent his life defending Palestine, its cause, its people, and its independent national decision.”

Abu Bakr, 69, was killed on his way back from a holiday party for the children of terrorist prisoners. He was diagnosed with the coronavirus pandemic in February 2021. He died with the military rank of major general.

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