EU Agency: Jews in Europe Still Face High Levels of Antisemitism

“Europe is witnessing a wave of antisemitism, partly driven by the conflict in the Middle East. This severely limits Jewish people’s ability to live in safety and with dignity."

EU Pushing Unilateral Plan to Create Palestinian State while Punishing Israel for Opposing It

The EU are frustrated Prime Minister Netanyahu, whom they see as the main obstacle to their two-state vision.

It’s Getting Tougher to Be an Antisemite in Luxembourg

Security around both of Luxembourg's synagogues will be increased and antisemitic intentions will be considered aggravating factors in criminal cases.

EU Demanding Compensation for Demolished Structure They Built Illegally

The European Commission is threatening to sue unless Israel comes up with the money.

2 Dutch Members of European Parliament Protest Misuse of International Law Against Israel

The Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, and Denmark own colonies overseas, some of which would rather be independent.

Knesset About to Vote on Istanbul Convention Trojan Horse that Undermines Israel’s Immigration Policies

Just look at South Tel Aviv today, mired in thousands of illegal aliens, and multiply the number of destitute foreigners.

Presidents of Israel, Germany, the EU Mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day

"We will work together to ensure that the lessons of the Holocaust and the sacred vow of ‘Never Again’ are passed down to our children."

Can You Stun and Shecht? How EU Commission Puts Kosher Lipstick on a Pig

Fine, we understand, you want Jews to stay, but what if these Jews want to eat a kosher burger?

‎€10 Million to Israeli-German Development of Drugs Against Lethal Fungal Infections

Invasive fungal infections of the internal organs or bloodstream can have a high level of mortality (up to 50%), are often difficult to treat, and cause at least 1.6 million deaths per year.

Mayor of Aalst Claims Anti-Semitic Costumes in Carnival are ‘Just Fun’

"It’s our parade, our humor; people can do whatever they want. It’s a weekend of freedom of speech.”

New EU Project Pays Photographers to Capture Life in “Occupied Palestinian Territory”

And lest some pesky, pro-Israel European Jew try to join the junket and offer his or her unique view, contestants must submit, in addition to their resume and portfolio, a "motivation letterץ"

Tourism Minister Attacks EU, NIF Conference to Kill Old City Cable Car

"This is a blatant and unacceptable intervention in Israel's internal affairs and its sovereign decisions."

Turkey, Russia, Laying Claim to Mediterranean Off-Shore Gas

Since 2009, offshore oil and gas fields in the Mediterranean have been the subject of territorial disputes between Turkey on one side and Greece, Cyprus and Israel on the other.

European Union Invades Gush Etzion with Fake Historic Village

Over the past two years, the PA has created, out of thin air, an “historic” village – which just happens to be located on a strategic point adjacent to the Jerusalem-Hebron highway.

President Rivlin ‘Shocked’ by German Anti-Semitism Commissioner’s Yarmulke Warning

official figures showing that the number of attacks against Jews in Germany increased 10% in one year, from 1,504 in 2017 to 1,646 in 2018. The number of reported violent cases against Jews rose from 37 to 62 over the same period.

EU Court to Hamas: Yes, You Are Terrorists

The decision can be appealed to the European Court of Justice.

Slovenia Donates EUR 500K to Build Gaza Desalination Plant

The desalination plant is expected provide water to more than two million Gazans when construction is complete.

Roots of Evil: Palestinian Authority Systematically Annexing Tens of Thousands of Acres in Judea...

Regavim report exposes EU supported silent and systematic illegal seizure of land under Israeli jurisdiction.

High Court Calls on State to Provide Alternative Housing for Khan al-Ahmar Squatters

During the hearing, the squatters' attorneys made it clear that their clients were not willing to move too far from the current location of their shantytown, at most "a hundred or two hundred meters."

High Court of Justice to Hear Petitions on Illegal Bedouin Settlement

In the case of Khan al Ahmar, the High Court has displayed a disturbing "flexibility," extending a legal process which, by the Court's own admission, has been plagued by intolerable stalling.

UN Passes EU Condemnation of Hamas Withholding Israeli Soldiers’ Bodies

“For four years, Hamas has withheld the bodies of Israeli soldiers and denied their families any information about their situation in violation of international law."

First Foreign Working Arrangement Europol Signs Is with Israel Police

The agreement was brought to a vote at the Europol headquarters and was unanimously approved by 28 representatives of the member states.

EU Finances Personal Legal Campaigns Against IDF Soldiers

Yesh Din is working in partnership with Breaking the Silence and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-I).

Strategic Affairs Ministry: EU Gives Millions to Entities that Promote Boycotts Against Israel

More than a dozen NGOs that promote anti-Israel boycotts have received some 5 million euros annually in European Union funding. In addition, an estimated several million more euros were channeled to boycott-promoting NGOs through third parties that receive E.U. assistance.

NIF, EU, Trying to Stall Transfer of US Embassy to Jerusalem

NGO Ir Amim received $3 million from European donors between 2012-2017, and $1.8 million from the NIF between 2008-2016.

Israel Demolishes Illegal EU School Constructed at Heart of Archaeological Dig

The High Court ruled that the demolition orders issued against the outpost's structures would not be implemented for the time being, provided there would be no further construction in the compound.

Holocaust Survivors March on Polish Embassy in Tel Aviv Protesting Complicity Law

Protesters held up banners in Hebrew and Polish reading ‘No law can change history’ and ‘Poles, we remember what you did.’

Bild Broadcasts Documentary on Muslim Anti-Semitism Arte Channel Rejected As Too Pro-Israel

The film explores the Jew hatred in Europe today, showing the relationship between anti-Semitism and Israel bashing in the media.


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