U.S. Senator: Innocent Israeli Kidnapped Boys and Evil Abductors

Cruz spoke in detail about each of the boys, about the kidnapping, and about the nature of Hamas.

Thousands Bid Farewell to Boys Who Unified Nation

Israeli come together to bid comfort families - and to swallow one last drink of unprecedented unity

Gaza Terrorist Paid Hamas Brother $61,500 to Kill Teens

Hebron resident Hussam Qawasme is indicted in connection with masterminding the murder of three Israeli teens June 12.

Netanyahu: ‘God Will Avenge Their Blood’

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu vowed Tuesday night that God will "avenge the blood" of three teens murdered by Arab terrorists on June 12.

Boys to be Buried Side by Side

The boys will be buried side by side in the Modi'in cemetery in a joint funeral.

OU and Rabbinical Council of America ‘Cry Out in Anguish’

Before, we were unified in prayer and hope for the boys’ safe return. Now, tragically, we are unified in grief.

Frenkel and Abu-Khdeir Families Hold Conference Call

Jerusalem's Mayor Nir Barkat put together a conference phone call between the uncle of Naftali Frenkel and the father of Mohammed Abu Khdeir.

Audio of Kidnapping Call Released [audio]

Listen to the audio of the phone call made by the kidnapped boys to the police emergency line.

EU Condemns Boys’ Murders But Urges ‘Restraint of All Parties’

The European Union has condemned the brutal terrorist murder of three Israeli boys but nevertheless urged "restraint by all parties."

Diaspora Interfaith Memorial Service for Our Boys

Well over 200 people showed up at Congregation Mikveh Israel in Philadelphia at a memorial service for the slain Israeli teens.

Nigerian Pres Condemns Kidnapping

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has expressed his solidarity with the Sha’ar, Fraenkel and Yifrach families, and with Israeli society, and condemned the abduction of...

Peres Calls for End to Incitement, Respect for Law

President: Time to show restraint, to be true to our morality, to our hope to live together in peace

Ya’alon Seeks Peaceful Means to Evacuate New Outposts

In Gush Etzion, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon has suggested a swap in order to convince residents to leave outposts with fresh wounds.

Funerals of Israeli Teens Brings Tears and Memories; Families and MK’s Eulogize

“Dear Yifrach family; Iris and Uri, these hours of personal grief are shared by all of us. May their memories, Gilad, Naftali and Eyal, be blessed,” said Israel’s Defense Minister.

Special Event to Mark Hamas Kidnap-Murder of 3 Israeli Teens on June 3

A special event in Jerusalem on June 3 will mark the first-year anniversary of the Hamas kidnap and murder of 3 Israeli teens.

2017 Global Jewish Unity Day, Jerusalem Unity Prize Hosted by President Rivlin

"I want the world to remember how the global community behaved during those days of uncertainty... to always remember the power we have when we choose unity over division.”

Forensic Report Confirms Boy’s Identity

The official forensic report from Abu Kabir confirmed the identity of the boys.

PA Arabs Attack IDF Ambulance Carrying Teens’ Bodies

Palestinian Authority Arabs attacked the IDF humvee ambulance carrying the bodies of three Israeli teens.

A Zionist Response to the Murder of Our Boys

Volunteers came to help build the site now called Givat v'Gaon, to honor the memory of Gilad, Eyal and Naftali.

Mother of ‘Pious’ Kidnapper Proud of Him ‘Until Judgment Day’ (Video)

Will the world ever understand exactly what Palestinian Authority terrorism is all about?

President Obama’s Statement About the Murder of Our Boys

The US President condemned "the tragedy" and urged all parties to refrain from further destabilizing steps.

Terrorist’s House Blown Up

The home of the terrorist Marwan Qawasmeh was blown up moments ago.

Home of Alleged Kidnapper/Murderer of ‘Our Boys’ Surrounded

Home of man believed to be kidnapper, murderer of Our Boys about to be demolished.

IDF Preparing to Install Hitchhiking Lights and Cameras

The IDF is examining and preparing to install lights and cameras at all the hitchhiking posts.

Police: We Failed During Gil-Ad’s SOS Call

Police commanders brief Knesset on activities over past month, take responsibility for messing up boys' SOS call

Yom HaZikaron at the Gush Etzion Cemetery

The Yom HaZikaron Ceremony in the Gush Etzion Regional Cemetery was poignant and perfect.

Kidnapped Eyal, Gil-ad and Naftali Found Dead Near Hebron

The IDF found the bodies of the murdered boys in a field near Halhul.

‘Now the World Will Know Jewish Blood Isn’t Free’

A statement issued by the Frenkel, Yifrach and Sha'ar families thanks Israel for 'justice served.'

Peres, UN Chief Meet, Call for Boys’ Unconditional Release

Israeli pres talks about terror, reminds UN leader that rockets aimed at civilian targets in Israel; Ban calls for boys' release


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/u-s-senator-innocent-israeli-kidnapped-boys-and-evil-abductors/2014/06/27/

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