Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
Molotove cocktail explodes outside MK Itamar Ben Gvir's tent, Ovtober 1, 2022.

MK Itamar Ben Gvir’s away office, in a tent in the neighborhood of Shimon HaTzadik, a.k.a. Sheikh Jarrah, was firebombed Saturday night by a local resident who missed the tent by several yards. A Jewish resident put out the fire. The office was not active at the time of the explosion.

Had the attacker aimed better, the firebomb would have landed on the tent and burned it down. From the video below it’s clear he or she is not very good at this.



MK Itamar Ben Gvir at his tent office in Shimon Hatzadik after a Molotov cocktail has been thrown near it, October 1, 2022. / Otzma Yehudit

Ben Gvir, who arrived at the site a while later, issued a statement saying, “The wild incitement of Gantz and Lapid is a declaration of an open season against me. The left is ceaselessly attacking and pressing me, with a delegitimization campaign against me. This wild incitement caused the fire and is a warning sign for what might happen next. Today they threw a Molotov cocktail at my offices and tomorrow it could be done directly against me.”

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