Israelis began Monday night to mark one of the most solemn days in the national calendar as the country’s Remembrance Day for Fallen IDF Soldiers and Victims of Terror gets underway. It is a day of collective and personal anguish mingled with honor for the fallen.


The official events began at 8 pm with a moment of national silence heralded by a one-minute siren sounded nationwide and another one on Memorial Day itself at 11 am, during which the country stands still for a moment of silence and remembrance for the fallen.

Sorrow transitions to joy on Tuesday night (April 25), however, when Memorial Day comes to an end at sunset, ushering in Israel’s 75th Independence Day.

Thousands of Men, Women and Children Murdered
A total of 24,213 men, women and children have been killed in terrorist attacks and in defense of the Land of Israel since 1860, the year that the first Jewish settlers left the secure walls of Jerusalem to build new Jewish neighborhoods.

Since last Memorial Day, 59 new names have added to the roster of those who died defending the country. Another 86 disabled veterans died due to complications from injuries sustained during their service.

The number of civilian terror victims who perished in attacks totals 4,255 since the start of the count.

In the year since Memorial Day 2022, Israel has seen numerous terror attacks, including those that resulted in deaths and serious injuries, every single month.

Following is a breakdown of the figures released by the Israeli government last week.

May 2022: 208 terror attacks took place during May. Four people were killed, 6 were injured.

June 2022: 189 terror attacks took place in June. Three people were injured, there were no fatalities.

July 2022: A total of 135 terror attacks took place in July. Three people were injured, there were no fatalities.

August 2022: 209 terror attacks tool place in August. 15 people were injured in the attacks, there were no fatalities.

September 2022: 254 terror attacks tool place in September. 2 people were killed and 14 injured.

October 2022: 401 terror attacks tool place in October in which three people were killed and 19 injured.

November 2022: 196 terror attacks tool place in November. The attacks resulted in five people killed and deaths and 28 injured.

December 2022: 214 terror attacks tool place in December. Five people were injured, there were no fatalities.

January 2023: 251 terror attacks tool place in January. 187 attacks took place in Judea and Samaria, 61 in Jerusalem and the Green Line. Three attacks originated in the Gaza Strip. Seven people were killed in the attacks and ten were injured.

February 2023: 200 terror attacks tool place in February. 157 attacks took place in Judea and Samaria, 38 in Jerusalem and the Green Line. Five attacks originated in the Gaza Strip. Seven people were killed in the attacks and six were injured.

March 2023: 200 terror attacks tool place in February. Of these, 183 took [lace in Judea and Samaria, 30 in Jerusalem and the Green Line region and 3 originated in the Gaza Strip. One person was killed and eight were injured.

For a full breakdown of March attacks on the Israel Security Agency (ISA) website, click here.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.