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Title: Between 10 and 5 with Dad – Keeping the Fifth Commandment
Author: Alan D. Busch



No one likes to dwell about loss, or delve into the nitty-gritty issues and emotions that come along with losing a loving parent to a horrible illness. However life happens, and the sad truth is that many people every day lose parents to illness or age. It’s the facts of life.

Once again, with his second book, Between 10 and 5 with Dad – Keeping the Fifth Commandment, author Alan D. Busch bravely faces everyone’s fear of losing a parent to a horrid illness, goes beyond it, and triumphs as he weaves a tapestry of honest and humorous memories of his father that lends us the chance to look at life through his awesome lens of what life is really about.

His first book, Snapshots In Memory of Ben, published in 2007, similarly took the readers to a somewhat sacred place: the unthinkable tragic death of his 22-year-old eldest son. But like he did with Snapshots, Busch, is a master at painting the raw beauty and depth of life with his words in such a way that the reader not only feels his deep loss, but by his amazing example will be taught to see beyond – to embrace the spiritual, cherish the lessons, laugh a little, and most of all – celebrate the time we have left with our loved ones.

As an adult child whose parents passed prematurely, I related to this topic first hand. But I think that Mr. Busch had hopes of going beyond the obvious, of reaching many levels of readers.

He said it best himself when asked what the purpose of writing this book was, “…to encourage sons and daughters of my generation to honor their fathers and mothers of your generation in life…to teach this lesson diligently to their children…it is the right thing to do.”

Indeed his book succeeds at his goal and goes beyond on so many levels. Between 10 and 5 with Dad – Keeping the Fifth Commandment is a must read for all generations in all stages of life! Busch’s father, of beloved memory, truly raised a son to be proud of and an author to be read.

The book is available at, or by contacting the author at [email protected] or [email protected].

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