Photo Credit: Jewish Press

A dirge/An urge/For last rights/And final insights/Into dark corners/We rage and we garner

Crumbs of light/Packed tight/But equally dispersed/Sweat rolling, lips pursed/The search continues/The hidden made anew


Tangled and weaved/New facts cleaved/From their hiding spots/In scattered old pots/Amongst mountains of frippery/Who needs this? Not me.

The searching goes on/Until darkness is gone/Tendrils of light making their way/They have not decay/Good/Good

Grief loosens its grip/Light takes hold and slips/Its tendrils in, transforming/Into butterflies, signaling/Change is abound/A new cycle to be found

Upon the crest of a new horizon/We keep our eyes on/New knowledge and possibility/Hope and capability/To do and be better/To be the best goal getter

To never forget the pain/That remains/To never settle too long in grief/And continue in faith and belief/That our dirge, like clay/Is formed into something lighter to play

Darkness to light/From passing day to new night/We cope/And there’s hope/The kind that lasts/And illuminates our pasts


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Maayan Zik, is an Orthodox Jewish Jamaican-American social activist. She has co-founded organizations such as Ker a Velt and Kamochah, which further her work in social justice and racial equity.