Q & A: An Unusual Shehecheyanu (Part I)

Question: Why does the chazzan reciting Shehecheyanu on Yom Kippur night? Elimelech Feldman (Via E-Mail)

The Extent Of Hashem’s Mercy

Why would Hashem allow such a man to do teshuvah? And even more, why would Hashem change nature to save such a lowlife?

Daf Yomi

One’s Life Partner ‘The Only Poor In Israel Is The Subtly Wicked’ (Sanhedrin 76a)

Co-borrowers Are Guarantors For Each Other (Siman 77)

If, however, both borrowers have assets, all the laws of a guarantor apply and the lender may not collect the entire loan from the guarantor but must collect half from borrower.

Hamelech – The King

Another peculiar event that has covered the news recently is the players of the NFL who refuse to honor the flag and national anthem.

Saving A Life

Hashem has put me in the right place at the exact time. It was a true miracle.

A Hidden Treasure

Considering that I am not a youngster, I have to admit that change, especially of the unexpected sort, is most challenging.

Yom Kippur Thoughts

Yom Kipper, the Day of Atonement, is the supreme moment of Jewish time, a day of fasting and prayer, introspection and self-judgment. At no...

Help! My Nose Is Growing!

The Spartans used their mistakes as lessons for the future. Pinocchio chose to ignore the lessons and continue to do as he pleased. Who are we on Yom Kippur, Spartans or Pinocchio?

The Days Of Repentance

G-d is merciful and loves his children more than we can understand. He isn’t interested in punishing just because we did wrong.

Yom Kippur and the Hidden Jews

Many believe that Kol Nidre was created in response to the conversos’ plight and their need to nullify their conversion vows.

Saying the Unsayable: Does Reciting the 13 Middot ALWAYS “Work”?

What is the difference between religion and magic?  Each makes the claim that events in the physical world can flow from metaphysically effective language.  Mages recite spells; sages recite prayers.  So why is it that the Torah bans magic yet mandates prayer? 

“The Temple Mount Is In Our Hands”

Suddenly it dawned on me that in 1967, during the Six-Day War, the armies of Israel recaptured the Temple Mount and the surrounding outer wall, which we refer to as the Kotel.

Throwing Off The Burden Of Sin The Real Meaning Of Tashlich

If our teshuva is real, if we feel sincere regret and have resolved to become better, Hashem will look at us as new people.

Receiving The Shabbos And Connecting To Hashem

Additionally, the day of Shabbos intrinsically carries with it a potential for spirituality and connection to Hashem that no other day has.

From The Home Front

It used to be that when our youngest boys were about to go outside and it was cold, I’d sometimes remind them to take a jacket. Now I remind our youngest son, Yisrael Meir, to take pepper spray.

For Every Coin, An Address

She spoke with a smile on her face, exuding a calm acceptance of her less-than-ideal circumstances.

Daf Yomi

Withholding The Rod ‘A Rebellious Son Never Existed And Never Will’ (Sanhedrin 71a)

Q & A: Women’s Simchat Yom Tov Obligation

Question: According to Chazal, it would seem that women have no simcha obligation on Yom Tov other than to purchase new garments. Is that, in fact, the case? M. Schwartz

The Case Of The Forgetful But Honest Borrower (Siman 76:3)

He should have anticipated that the plaintiffs themselves might later forget who gave what.

Unaltered Dress

When the employer stipulates clearly that the work must be done by a certain time, failure to complete it on time is a breach of contract, replied Rabbi Dayan.

Rosh Hashanah (New Year) Guide for the Perplexed 2017 / 5778

On Rosh Hashanah, one is expected to plan a spiritual and behavioral road map for the entire year. So when one hears the shofar blow,the trip begins.

To Avenge Or Not To Avenge: That Is The Question

The search for perfect justice is not for us, here, now. It is – as Moses taught the Israelites in the great song he sang at the end of his life – something that faith demands we leave to G-d, who alone knows the human heart, who alone knows what is just in a world of conflicting claims, and who will establish perfect justice at a time, and in a way, of His choosing, not ours.

Make Resolutions, Not Wishes

The secret to change is to stop wishing and to start making real resolutions

An Opportunity To Recreate Ourselves (Part II)

Rosh Hashanah is here again. How will you pray this time? Will you reunite with your Heavenly Father this year? Will your visit with Him have meaning, or will it be “same old, same old”?

Unappreciated Gifts – Parshat Haazinu

God doesn’t owe us anything, not even the breath we take.

Teshuvah Is Easy; Change Is Difficult

Clearly, the sin was forgiven, so why couldn’t the Jews look at Moshe’s face?

Two Days Rosh Hashanah, Eruvin, And Eggs

On the night immediately following the 29th day of Elul and on the 30th day of Elul itself, people hedged their bets. They ceased work, went to the synagogue, recited the Rosh Hashanah prayers and blew the shofar, all in a tentative state of mind.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/ask-the-rabbi/q-a-an-unusual-shehecheyanu-part-i/2017/09/28/

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