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Tag: Yossi Dagan

Israelis Plan to Resettle Gaza; Convention Set for Sunday in Jerusalem

The names of the towns that are planned are to be presented during Sunday's gathering.

Joshua’s Tomb Again Defaced with Hamas Support, Swastikas

"The fact that such an incident is happening for the second time in two weeks indicates serious damage to Israeli deterrence, which must be restored."

Samaria Council Purchased Hundreds of Rifles for Defensive Squads

Samaria Regional Council Head Dagan signed a deal for the purchase of 200 improved IWI ARAD assault rifles.

IDF, Israeli Driver Shoot Terrorists After Attacks

“We had a miracle this morning that we are not accompanying another bereaved family this morning. We will not rely on miracles. We expect the government to stop terrorism."

Samaria Council Head Demands Return of Checkpoints Following Huwara Terror Attack

"Look at this vehicle: it's a miracle we are not taking two bodies out of here, but rather two Jews who are on their way to the hospital, wounded by gunshots."

Gallant meets with IDF Commanders, Judea & Samaria Leaders Following Protest

The Israeli defense minister ordered military officers to increase efforts to seize illegal firearms.

IDF Soldiers Foil Terrorists During Police Chief’s Visit to Joseph’s Tomb

“For the unity of Israel, for the security of Israel, may we only have health and success on this holy day."

Homesh Yeshiva Settles in Permanent Structure Overnight

Ganim, Kadim, and Sa-Nur were three other Jewish settlements the Sharon regime uprooted in 2005. Yossi Dagan resided in Sa-Nur at the time.

Arkansas State Lawmakers Approve Strategic Partnership with State of Israel, Including Judea, Samaria

"The State of Arkansas, which lies in America's heartland, has a special kinship with Judea and Samaria, Israel's biblical heartland."

Arab Terrorists Shoot at Jews Outside Joseph’s Tomb Hours After Monument Raised to Fallen...

Earlier in the day, the parents of Israeli Border Guard Police Officer Madahat Yousouf arrived near the Tomb to dedicate a monument in his memory with Samaria Council head Yossi Dagan.

UTJ Chairman Goldknopf: Expanding Jewish Settlements the Only Response to Arab Terrorism

While Shas leader Aryeh Deri is eager to do Bibi’s biddings, UTJ is no one’s errand boys.

Terrorists Fire at Two Cars in Samaria, Driver Injured as Shooting Incidents Escalate

Israel has been pressuring PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to take action, but it’s doubtful he can impact security policy even if he wanted to.

Shootout, Dead Terrorist as Knesset Candidates Visit Joseph’s Tomb

This past June, IDF Lieutenant Colonel Roi Zweig and at least two other Israelis were shot and wounded by Arab terrorists at Joseph's Tomb.

PA Arabs Vandalized Joseph’s Tomb in Retaliation for Massive IDF Raid

Joseph’s Tomb was last set on fire in 2015, when hundreds of Arabs overran the site.

Samaria Leader to European Commission: Stop Funding Anti-Settler Campaign that Encourages Antisemitism

It was exposed that European funding was sent to leftwing organizations to demonize Israeli citizens.

Post-Corona Hatred of Jews: Meretz Minister Horowitz on Anti-Settler Rampage

"Nitzan Horowitz is infected with a strain of post-Corona severe hatred of Jews."

Ancient Hebrew Amulet Discovered at Joshua’s Altar in Samaria

Joshua's altar is the only currently known remnant from the period of the Israelite conquest of Canaan.

The Day Bennett Rained Violence on Jewish Outposts – Homesh follows Givat Oz Zion

"Any construction material that's being confiscated today is another bullet in Yehuda Dimentman's chest."

Arabs Again Damage Joshua’s Altar on Mount Eival

According to PA officials, identifying the site as a Jewish altar is a “falsification of the Palestinian history of the place.”

Rightwing Orgs, Judea and Samaria Leaders, Launch Campaign Against PM Bennett

Dagan accused Bennett’s government of “losing direction, it is losing it in Samaria, it is losing it in the Negev.”

Samaria Regional Council Leader and Yehuda Dimentman’s Father Pitch Protest Tent Outside Bennett’s Office

"We join the head of the Samaria Council Yossi Dagan who is a true partner, and announce here: Yeshivat Homesh will exist forever."

Bennett Destroys Homesh for the Third Time

"The Israeli government has lost its compass."

Solidarity in the Storm: Images from the Homesh Rally

At the head of the procession was Yehuda's widow Ettia Dimentman.

Samaria Council Head: US Senators and Congressmen Come Together in Support of Israeli Construction...

Dagan met with more than 20 members of the Senate and Congress, both Republicans and Democrats.

Shomron Leader to UN Envoy After False Report: ‘Ensure Your Reports Are Credible and...

Dagan demanded that Wennesland withdraw unilateral accusations he made at the UN against Israelis living in Samaria.

Court Rebukes IDF Civil Administration: Doubtful It Took Effective Enforcement Against Illegal Arab Structures

"With each passing day, the citizens of the State of Israel are losing more and more state lands, the price of which we all pay."

Gantz, Bennett, Sign Evyatar Outpost Deal, New Jewish Community Saved

On Tuesday, PA Arabs appealed to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit demanding that he not approve the deal which was then being formulated.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/israel/settlements-israel/israelis-plan-to-resettle-gaza-convention-set-for-sunday-in-jerusalem/2024/01/27/

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