Just to clarify and calm the nerves on all you liberal or pro Palestine readers.
I want to make something very clear, the person or persons who were responsible for the murder of Muhammad Abu Khdeir are murderers of the worst kind and should be dealt with just like we SHOULD be dealing with Islamic terrorism.
That being said, there is a huge and very fundamental difference between what happened to the three Israeli teens that were abducted and murdered and the young Arab teen that was abducted and murdered. The difference lies on three different levels.
- National backing of terrorists activity
- World Reaction
- Nation’s Reaction
Fatah, Hamas and every other Arab organization that exists in the PA territories has one time or another called for the destruction of the State of Israel. The original PLO charter clearly calls for the violent dismantling of the JEWISH STATE (no not Zionist but Jewish).
The school system under Fatah promotes martyrdom and murder through curriculum and even through the names of their educational institutions. As clearly demonstrated by Palestinian Media Watch
The most common school name PMW has found is the name Al Khansa – with at least 8 schools given her name. Al Khansa is the honored mother of Islamic tradition because she expressed joy over the Shahada (Martyrdom) deaths of her four children.
A PA schoolbook for Grade 8, explains her importance this way:“Al-Khansa witnessed the Battle of Al-Qadisiyah with her four sons. She urged them to fight… They fought until all of them fell as Shahids. When the news reached her she said, ‘Praise be to Allah who has honored me by theirShahada.’” [Reading and Texts Part II, Grade 8, p. 13]
Al-Khansa’s celebration of her four sons’ deaths makes her a perfect role model for Palestinian girls, as Palestinian society has chosen to teach that death is a greater value than life.One example of this teaching is in Palestinian Authority schoolbook for 13 year-olds that teach children: “Your enemies seek life while you seek death.” [Reading and Texts Part II, Grade 8, p. 16]”
Streets in Fatah controlled areas are named after Islamic terrorists of the worst kind.
Abu Mazen the “Moderate” has never been shy to tell it like it is and often honors mass murderers and arch Islamic terrorists sitting in Israeli jail.
While the Israeli murderers of the Arab teen will be jailed, ousted and stained for life like they deserve, Arab terrorists are honored, revered and even featured on the most popular talk shows.
Here’s how an official PA government member reacted to the kidnapping of the three Israeli teens!
How does it work in Israel?
Even before any evidence was collected, many from the government already condemned the murder is the most clear tones possible. After the details were publicized, there was not a siingle Israeli leader who did not condemn this horrific murder!
The difference?
We didn’t wait for facts to speak of our disgust, we did it right away with no excuses, because MURDER IS MURDER!
2. World Reaction
I have absolutely no expectations from the world and certainly not from the White House at this time.
I am not complaining or expecting change, I am simply pointing out the horrific level of hypocrisy.On June 12, 2014, three Jewish Israeli teens, Naftali Frenkel (16,), Gilad Shaer (16), and Eyal Yifrah (19), were abducted as they were on their way home from school.
Naftali Frenkel happen to hold dual citizenship and was a citizen of the United States of America. There was complete silence from Obama, the world and the UN and only on June 18th (a week later!) did the State department release a statement where they stated their concerned about the Israeli operation and demanded Israel exercise restraint.
What was even more unbelievable was the US State department would not even confirm that it was talking about a kidnapping and when asked about the American citizen involved, they did NOT even have his name!
Watch and be disgusted! (You can watch the whole thing but the embarrassment starts at 1:40)
The UN? The 3 mothers went to the UN to beg for their help.
The UN reaction?
Go ahead, Google UN reaction to kidnapped Israeli teens.
Let me know if you find anything! Hamas Condemned? No! Palestinian incitement condemned? No! Anything? NO!
When it came to the murder of Muhammad Abu Khdeir it took both Obama and his sidekick Kerry under 2 hours to make a statement, charge and indict Israel. It took them over a week to say boo about the 3 Israeli boys and when they did say something they said they were concerned with Israel’s reaction!
Read Kerry’s statement HEREI am not even going to begin talking about the press coverage of both murders. I had to constantly update my friends overseas since not a single major news network was covering (more than a couple of seconds) the Israeli kidnapped boys.
When it came to Muhammad Abu Khdeir, front page and feature story on EVERY single media outlet. I guess Muslim killing Jew is no story but it’s not every day you see a Jew do what you usually see a fanatic Muslim do.
3. Nation’s Reaction
Naftali, Eyal and Gil-Ad were missing for two weeks and while the army was out searching for their killers and figuring out what happened, the civilians of Israel were busy comforting the families and praying.
Now let’s take a look at our neighbors; the fanatic Muslims. When news spread of the kidnapping of Muhammad Abu Khdeir, there were no prayer groups or singing, this was the reaction:All videos were seen originally in Israel Video Network
If you want to keep in touch with Israel you definitely want to joinIsrael Video Network!
Attempted Lynching
Shooting firecrackers at police
Fire bombing random Jewish homes in the middle of the night
The Jerusalem light rail that runs through the Arab neighborhood was completely destroyed and millions of dollars of damage was caused by Muslim fanatics.
The Arabs actually worked for hours to rip up the tracks while trashing the train stops in their own neighborhoods.
So yes, both are horrific acts of murder and the victims families and friends will feel the pain, but NEVER compare the terrorism of individual Jews who are ousted, villainized and jailed by their country, to the fanatic Islamic and Arab terrorists who are backed, honored and encouraged by their religious and national leaders!
When it comes to track records, check the world’s most wanted terrorist lists, count the fanatic Muslims, then count the Jews.
Let me know what you come up with!
One more small detail that most of you probably forgot, we found and arrested the murderers of Muhammad Abu Khdeir in less than a week, we are still waiting for the terrorists who kidnapped and murdered Naftali, Eyal and Gil-Ad. Perhaps Abu Mazen wants to find an empty street to name after them before handing them over to the Israeli authorities.