Photo Credit:
Gov. Jerry Brown

As certain as we may be that each and every permutation of artificial “fertility” will wind up in court at some point, the issue in this post is the burden such expanded “fertility” places on an ACS-imperiled planet.  If California needs desperately to reduce its carbon emissions – and yet has already incurred the emission-boosting burdens of high-speed rail and an increasing immigrant population – wouldn’t it make more sense to just encourage same-sex couples to celebrate their natural infertility?  Or, at the very least, to encourage them to adopt children rather than adding new ones to the population?

Alan Weisman, whose CNN op-ed was the first link in this post, is adamant that our ACS-besieged planet can’t handle another billion people.  It we were serious about managing our way out of a human-induced climate crisis, California certainly wouldn’t be promoting new births with insurance mandates.



* Susan Shelley is running in District 45, in the San Fernando Valley.  She beat out other primary candidates to get to the runoff for the District 45 seat, from which Bob Blumenfield (D-Woodland Hills) resigned in July when he was elected to the LA City Council.  If Susan’s Democratic opponent is elected, Democrats will have the majority they need in both houses of the state legislature to increase property tax and other tax rates, essentially undoing the protection of Prop 13.

** Note:  CAPS is a left-leaning group – in spite of its posture on illegal immigration – with roots in left-wing environmentalism.  See the biographies of its board members and almost everyone in the list on its advisory board.

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J.E. Dyer is a retired US Naval intelligence officer who served around the world, afloat and ashore, from 1983 to 2004.