Photo Credit: CNN / screengrab
US President Joe Biden speaks about Israel's government on CNN with Fareed Zakaria, July 9 2023

Biden’s Bureau of Land Management Director, Tracy Stone-Manning, is a former spokeswoman for an eco-terrorist group.

Hady Amr, Biden’s special representative for ‘palestinian’ affairs, claimed that he was “inspired by the Palestinian intifada,”


Ramzi Kassem, a White House Policy Council adviser, was a Gitmo terror lawyer who threw stones at Israel.

Those are just three examples from the Biden White House.

But in a recent CNN interview, Biden falsely claimed that “this is one of the most extreme members of cabinets that I have… seen.”

“They are a part of the problem, and particularly those individuals in the cabinet who say, they have no right to— we— we can settle anywhere we want.”

When asked about inviting Prime Minister Netanyahu, Biden mumbled something about meeting with leftist figurehead Herzog, a longtime Democrat associate and not an elected Israeli leader.

“This is one of the most extreme cabinets I’ve seen and I go back to Golda Meir,” Biden opined.

Biden has a lot of Golda Meir stories. Most of them made up. Like the time he claimed Golda asked him to mediate between Israel and Egypt. That said, Golda’s cabinet included Jabr Muadi, a Druze, whose family settled a dispute over a parliamentary seat with an assassination. I don’t recall anyone in the current Israeli doing that.

Biden’s decision to turn a cold shoulder to Israel’s democratically elected government is another act of hostility.

It was the Obama administration that began trying to create a breach between Israel and America by repeatedly and falsely claiming that Israel was an extremist place under an extremist government.

The Obama administration was actually extreme as its successor, the Biden administration. And its policy toward Israel has included resuming funding terrorists which has led to two dozen murders.

Now that’s actually extreme.

{Reposted from FrontPageMag}


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Daniel Greenfield is an Israeli born blogger and columnist, and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His work covers American, European and Israeli politics as well as the War on Terror. His writing can be found at These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Jewish Press.