As for Europe, we need not crave their acceptance as equals. They will never be our equals. In the name of self-interest they have appeased Arab terrorism and oil blackmail for the past 30 years. The demographic time-bomb oft spoken about in Israel, ticks most loudly in Europe which is now paying the heavy price of its appeasement of terror and its Faustian deal with the oil sheiks of Arabia.

Our place is not to seek equality with other countries or their acceptance but – in the words of Isaiah – to become a light unto the other nations. Not for nothing are we cast in Bilaam’s prophecy as ‘a nation that shall dwell alone and shall not be reckoned amongst the other nations’.


All of which brings us back to Mama’s Boy and the shiksa next door. The only way to prevent assimilation of the World’s Jew is to stand up and defend our unique Jewish values and identity. This is the real battleground in our national struggle: between the secularists who seek a European state for the Jews and the faithful who will accept nothing less than a Jewish State in its biblical homeland.

Of all the psychological hang-ups, the clear and present danger for the World’s Jew is the classic mid-life crisis. All too often, those who have achieved rapid success way beyond their expectations feel that they are somehow unworthy of that success and begin to set themselves up for a fall. The symptoms of Self-Sabotage Syndrome are clear to see in Israel today. Of the top military and security personnel – at least those who are not beholden to Ariel Sharon for their jobs and perks – most have voiced dire warnings about the dangers of disengagement. Whether or not you support the expulsion of settlers, you have to acknowledge that the retreat from Gaza will bring more Jewish towns into the range of terrorist missiles. Neither Sharon nor his defense minister Shaul Mofaz deny that arms, explosives and missiles are now being smuggled into Gaza at an alarming rate.  Putting Egyptians in charge of the smuggling tunnels along the Philadelphia Route is as absurd as expecting Abbas to arrest terrorists. Allowing the Egyptian military back into the Sinai sounds like total madness especially when you consider that Cairo remains the center of anti-Jewish incitement and headquarters of Al Qaeda’s ultimate holding company: the Muslim Brotherhood. These dangerous concessions are symptoms of national self-sabotage that cannot and should not be ignored.

On November 13 1974 Yasir Arafat declared from the podium of the UN Security Council chamber: “I stand before you with a freedom fighter’s gun and an olive branch of peace”. By the time of his death, Arafat had killed more Jews and gained more territory with his olive branch than he ever did with his gun. The World’s Jew has bled from each and every peace plan imposed by the outside world. The current Road Map leads to only one place: the next stage of Jewish exsanguination, and the infamous ‘Auschwitz Borders’ characterized by Abba Eban.

We do not have to accept any more of this nonsense. We do not have to appease our enemies or accommodate our friends with concessions that imperil our people. The World’s Jew needs to get off the couch and start saying No! No more concessions, no more retreats, no more Mr Nice Guy. This is our promised land, territory for which our soldiers gave their lives, and this is where we stay. We shall not be weakened any further and we respectfully decline to rely on US or UN guarantees for our national survival. Hillel had the bottom line worked out centuries ago when he asked:  “If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if not now, when?”


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Zalmi Unsdorfer is chairman of Likud-Herut in the UK