Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Omar Helps No One

Ilhan Omar has been a thorn in the side of Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Party with her constant anti-Israel – and often anti-Semitic – remarks. It’s about time Pelosi took Omar to the woodshed and told her who’s boss.


While Pelosi can’t silence Omar, she can remove her from all committee assignments and give her the cold shoulder and silent treatment.

At present, Omar hurts the Democratic Party’s campaign to get rid of President Trump in 2020. Certainly she is an ongoing threat to Israel and the American Jewish community.

Nelson Marans
New York, NY


Blacks Deserve Reparations

I think there should be compensation for slavery in America. The American government should pay $1 trillion to the descendants of American slaves over a 100-year period.

Germany pays compensation to victims of the Holocaust. America owes a debt to black America.

Randall Jeffrey Pancer
Toronto, Canada


Deadly Palestinian Camps 

Years ago, MATCKH founder Molly Resnick tried to draw media attention to Palestinian military camps for children – but no one would listen. They acted like she was an extremist rupturing peace talks. Even the news anchors she helped build up when she worked in NBC ignored her phone calls.

Finally, 18 years later, The Jerusalem Post is reporting on these camps and Jason Greenblatt at the ADL is shining light on them. Will the world listen now?

D. Mandel
New York, NY


The Scales Balance 

Jolie Greiff’s article last week, “The Young Man Who Missed a Fast Day,” reminded me of a personal incident that provided me with strong evidence of hashgacha pratis:

In 1994, I flew from Baltimore to California and spoke at a conference there on February 24, which was Ta’anis Esther. I flew back to Baltimore that afternoon, effectively shortening my fast by three hours – the time difference between the East and West Coasts.

That summer, I had to fly to California on Sunday, June 26, to give another talk. That day was Shiva Asar b’Tammuz, and I had to fast an extra three hours because of the time difference!

These trips made me more aware of how carefully monitored and measured our acts are and how Hashem orchestrates our every move.

Janet S. Sunness, M.D.
Baltimore, MD


Humans Are Not Animals

Comparing a human being to an animal is a gross desecration of the Torah’s notion of b’tzelem Elokim and also violates Chazal‘s exhortations regarding kavod habriyot. I was terribly disappointed to see rabbis praise Irwin Benjamin’s op-ed on the pride parade. They have a sacred responsibility to provide support to the most vulnerable members in our community – including LGBT Jews.

Let me remind them that the Gemera considers targeting the dignity of a fellow human being an affront against Hashem. Affirming the godliness in every human being is not optional. It’s obligatory.

Rabbi Jonathan Leener


Is Pride Proper? (I)

Kudos to Irwin Benjamin for his courageous article on the pride parade. The homosexual issue is a tough one to tackle, and so many rabbis avoid it for fear of upsetting a congregant, relative, or friend.

A friend of mine happens to be homosexual, and I have tremendous respect for him because we have an understanding. I said to him: “The Torah flatly forbids us from doing this act. That being said, I am not G-d, and I can’t imagine what the desire must be like for you, and I’m not judging you [just the act]. I’m still here for you as a friend.”

We have a mutual understanding and continue our friendship.

That said, I still agree completely with Mr. Benjamin’s assertion: There is no need to for a pride march. Of course, life is so difficult for many and we must extend compassion, love, and understanding to all of G-d’s children. But making a parade about an illicit act? It doesn’t sit well.

Avi Ciment
Hollywood, FL


Is Pride Proper? (II)

The Jewish Press and its chief editor, Elliot Resnick, deserve high praise for publishing Irwin Benjamin’s article on the pride parade.

What’s shocking is all the letters of criticism The Jewish Press received. That so many Jews think defending the pride parade as some kind of noble act only shows how serious the problem is.

When it comes to being really noble, the LGBT crowd is as phony as it gets. A big banner in the pride parade read, “Equality & Inclusion” – a phrase often heard among homosexuals. Inclusion of whom? Only people who agree with them? That’s not inclusion – that’s the epitome of bigotry!

Calling for a boycott or the shut-down of The Jewish Press is an example of the contempt radical homosexuals have for democracy. Does The Jewish Press not have the right to practice freedom of press? Does Irwin Benjamin not have the right to express his views?

It’s so typical of LGBT belligerence to call for the financial ruin of people or organizations for expressing their views. It also takes nerve to write to a Jewish publication to protest an article by an Orthodox Jew condemning the same thing the Torah does.

Instead of boycotting The Jewish Press, readers should urge their friends and relatives to subscribe to the paper – or buy it for them as a gift.

Josh Greenberger
Brooklyn, NY


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