Photo Credit: Avi Ohayon / GPO
The new Israeli coalition government, June 14, 2021.

The state of Israel has a new Prime Minister. After four rounds of elections, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s political opponents have banded together to form a government. And for the many who believe Israel isn’t a democracy – an apartheid state if you will – it is relevant to review the parties that this new government shall consist of.

First, this government wouldn’t be able to be formed without The United Arab List (Raam), an Arab political party,the political wing of the Southern Branch of the Islamic movement. The leader of this party, Mansour Abbasattended the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to study dentistry, and later studied political science at the University of Haifa. Abbas’s party said that they joined the government because it provides 53 billion shekels ($16 billion) to improve infrastructure and curb violent crime in Arab towns.


Then, there is the party of Russian born Avigdor Lieberman who is perceived by many as Anti-Orthodox. He is intent on eliminating funding for pet projects of the ultra Orthodox community – hence his position as Finance Minister of the new government.

Naftali Bennett, the next Prime Minister was the former leader of the YESHA Settlement Council representing the Jewish settlers of Judea & Samaria (the west bank), he is a liberal Orthodox Jew, supports the right of Jews to all of the land of Israel.

The Labor Party is headed by a former television journalist, Merav Michaeli, a fierce feminist who in Hebrew adds “feminine plurals” to her language. The far-left Meretz Party is headed by an openly gay man, a leftist environmentalist: Nitzan Horowitz.

This is a very unusual alliance of very different ideologies – the very essence of democracy at its finest.

So, to those who say Israel isn’t a democracy: in this government there’s a Muslim Arab party in coalition with a Russian born former bouncer, radical leftists with former heads of YESHA Settlement Council, Islamists with gay rights advocates & Religious Zionists. There’s a record number of women in the government, Arabs, the most female ministers ever – there are many complaints people can have with this government, and with the State of Israel. That the country is an apartheid state would absolutely not be one of them.

This is the essence of democracy.

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Ronn Torossian is Founder and CEO of 5WPR, a leading PR Firm in New York and one of the 20 largest independently owned agencies in the United States. Ronn is an active Jewish philanthropist through his charity organization, the Ronn Torossian Foundation.