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The media and its fellow travelers in government, universities and Hollywood have a new playbook for the Jews and only the Jews.

We live in a strange age. A long time ago, maybe twenty years back, people from all sides condemned bad things. If one heard on the news or read in the newspaper that someone had been killed, robbed or beaten, then he would feel sorry to hear of such an occurrence. But not today. Now we need first, as the former president of Harvard said, “context”. Imagine someone runs into an office or a bar and declares that a riot is taking place and that they are burning things down. Before a person can respond, he or she has to know who is doing the rioting. We saw it clearly with the treatment of the George Floyd rioters and the January 6th ersatz-insurrectionists. While the former did billions in damage, caused death and injury to many and left large urban areas wasteland, the latter paraded around the Capitol—unarmed–and did not kill anybody. But our solemn-faced Congressmen and news readers told us that the events in the Capitol were equal to the Civil War, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined. Any sentient being would know that the multi-week summer of 2020 race riots caused far more death and destruction but again, we do not care about facts but on whose side the rioters are on.


So this brings us to Israel and the Jews. Jews have contributed to every country in which we have lived but oftentimes have been treated differently than others. One does not have to go back to the Nuremberg Laws to find that Jews have social rules that simply do not apply to any other group. Let’s take a look at several examples.

*Jews can have their own country but we’ll approve their leaders. Chuck Schumer’s disgusting demand that Israelis retire Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu and choose a leader more appealing to Democrats is not the first time that US officials have interfered in Israeli elections. Bill Clinton openly showed his preference for Ehud Barak over Netanyahu. Barack Obama used State Department funds to run advertisements against Bibi in previous elections. The US does not even do such things anymore to our enemies such as Russia, China, and Iran. The US makes no effort to influence those countries’ elections. No one is pushing for Zelensky to exit stage left. Only Israel gets the heavy-handed treatment for its leadership.

*Jews are not allowed to finish their wars. The president and majorities of both parties are pressing for Ukraine to keep fighting until….well, nobody makes that part clear. The one thing that they do not say is for Ukraine to just take back some land and call it a day. But now with Gaza, Biden and many others are demanding that Israel stop before attacking Rafah and permanently weakening Hamas. The gung-ho, go get ‘em choir of 8 October of last year woke up and saw that the Jews were winning and realized that they have to stop that. Israel is already noting slowed-down weapons shipments from the US. Ukrainians get to win; the Jews, not so much.

*It’s okay to demand the genocide of Jews on campus but watch out for using the wrong pronouns on the guy with the mustache who just won the women’s decathlon. The behavior on campus of demanding an intifada on Jews (“intifada everywhere”) but not allowing any other minority group to be threatened or demeaned is one more Jews-only rule. During the attack in 2002 in which my son and I were injured, I went back to get my bag and saw one of the three people killed. His face was completely blackened from the explosion. He had gone out from a toy store to run an errand and he never returned. That’s what you are allowed to demand happen to Jews but never blacks, gays, trans, or illegal aliens.

*Me Too does not mean You Too. I remember when the “Me Too” period began: a bunch of older Hollywood women, safe in their careers and wealth, came forward to tell stories about Harvey Weinstein and other powerful men. Think of how many women they could have saved had they spoken out years earlier. But they thought of their careers and realized that silence was the best bank guarantee. Once the dam had broken against certain males, they felt safe in coming out with their stories. But when Israeli women and witnesses described the horrific sexual crimes committed by both Hamas and Palestinian civilian deviants, the news was met with a big yawn. It took the UN months to finally start to look into the claims, while leftwing women’s organizations claimed that the description of rape, torture, murder, and kidnapping were made-up. Me Too is a club and Jewesses need not apply.

*Jews are not allowed to kill civilians in pursuit of military goals. The Allies killed millions of non-combatants from the shores of France to the hills of Tokyo in pursuit of victory over the Axis. And that’s how wars have always been fought—until now. Tony Blinken intoned last week that Israel’s primary focus is not on routing Hamas, checking Hezbollah or getting its people safely back home. No, Israel’s top job is protecting Palestinian civilians. A released hostage told of being brought to a Gazan hospital where all of the staff and patients clapped wildly as he and other hostages were marched by them. Civilians were involved in every step of the murder, rape, torture, plunder and kidnapping on 10/7 of last year. Civilians jumped up and down as if they had burned down a Target store as terrorists paraded captured Israelis before them. No, Israel cannot kill civilians. That’s left for the Ukrainians who have upped their attacks on Russian targets. Jews again have different rules.

Well, I can tell you from over here that the Jews are tired of the slanted playing field. A few days ago, an Arab boy did what they often do: he threw a firecracker towards Israeli troops just outside of Jerusalem. Unlike in the past where the troops would just have shrugged it off, the soldiers fired back and killed him. They may make the new rules, but we are not going to play by them.


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Dr. Alan Bauer and his son were wounded in a suicide bombing in central Jerusalem on March 21, 2002. Dr. Bauer lives and works in Jerusalem.