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As the weeks go by and the story of the book of Bereshit unfolds in front of us, we shudder to see how exactly all these holy stories of the Bible are to our generation. Maybe on a personal level in one’s house or on a global level, we can see so clearly how the Holy Torah is not just history or something that happened in the past. Our forefathers paved the way for all generations to come. When we look at them it is a mirror so we may see ourselves and our generation here today in 2023. Obviously nothing happens without a reason, however when we hear and see year after year the story of Yosef and his brothers, I can almost see everyone in the synagogue holding on to their chairs and waiting to see how the saga continues, how Yosef reveals himself to his brothers, how his brothers are willing to fight to save their youngest brother Binyamin. The reunion between Yosef and his father and the peace it rained over the world while Yosef was in power and Yaakov Avinu was by his side.

Unfortunately we are in the midst of a terrible war here in Israel. So many precious lives have already been taken from us and we do not know when this period will pass. Everything passes however. When one is in the middle of something terrible it is so hard to see the light that will eventually come.


How can we relate to stories or historical events that happened years ago? Hashem made sure that the power and messages that lie within each historical event, or biblical story would be so strong and valuable, that it would be able to affect every Jew in every generation no matter where they are. Sometimes a person can be going through great difficulties within their own home, with their spouse, children, or with themselves, and may not know how to find salvation or some sort of relief for their pain and suffering.

The storybook of the Torah that we read from week to week, can be a great mirror into what goes on with each one of us privately and as a whole nation. We suddenly feel, and find ourselves connecting on a totally different level to a story that took place so many years ago and relate to it as if it was talking about us right here and now.

Listening to the events going on in the news we realize that within one’s own home there’s a micro-event that might be similar, even in some slight way, to the events that are going on in the world, and in the very portion of the week’s reading of the Torah. As a parent I wish for all of my children to get along, to love one another, to want to be friends and to work together. At times when I look around and see the challenges in my own home, and then look a bit further at the great challenges we see in our country and in our nation amongst our brothers and sisters, I see so many similarities in my very own children. It pains me, and then I take a deep breath and try to get strength from the stories in the book of Bereshit.

The story of Yosef and his brothers unfortunately occurs over and over again in some form year after year.

What we are meant to learn is that not every event that we see is actually showing the whole picture .We do not know what one event has an effectnow on events that will unfold down the line. Not everyone follows politics intensively, some people do not even turn on the radio. How are these Jews able to connect completely to the events that go on in the country. Hashem wants us to have mercy and compassion on each other and to be responsible and reliable for one another as well. Hashem in His kind mercy lets people feel certain challenges within their own home on a very personal level so that it might be a mirror into what is going on with the generation and with Jews everywhere. So when we feel pain on a personal level we can pause for a moment and think this is how my brothers and sisters must feel. This is how Hashem must feel when his children fight amongst themselves, when they do not talk with one another, when they are at war and not at peace. When we connect our pain and suffering to Hashem’s pain, and to the nation’s pain as a whole, we become more sensitive and caring and connected to all of the Jewish people. This connection, this oneness, is what unites us, it is what makes us one. When we are one we cannot be harmed.

Let us pray that Hashem will redeem us with mercy, that Hashem will show us his kind ways, not in pain and suffering but with love and gratitude. And may all the children of Israel soon unite during this war.


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Michal can be reached at [email protected]