Photo Credit: Jodie Maoz

In this weeks portion of the Torah reading we learn from our forefather Jacob how to lead our lives, and especially how to guide ourselves in times of war, while facing our enemies. With all the events of the war in Israel that keep unfolding in front of us we look up to the heavens and ask Hashem to help guide this nation of Israel in the ways of the holy Torah. Unfortunately the decision-making in Israel is not made strictly by the laws of the holy Torah itself. Thus making the decisions fall in the hands of people and not in the hands of the Torah. However, if these are the times that we are living in and these people that are in government and making the decisions for the entire nation are the ones in power, then we must believe that this too is from Hashem, and that Hashem is guiding us as he always did.

We see that last week’s Torah portion was called Vayetzei, which means “and they shall come out.” And indeed we saw several hostages uniting with their families as they embraced one another after 50 very difficult days in the hands of the enemy. This simply shows us in such a beautiful way that nothing is by chance and nothing just happens on a random day, and that Hashem and the Torah’s laws are the ones guiding the way. We do pray and believe that the day will come and the entire nation and the land of Israel will be entirely ruled strictly by the rules of the Torah. Till then we do our best to follow Hashem and to guide ourselves by the blueprints that were set forth by our forefathers before us in such a beautiful manner.


We see in this week’s parsha, Vayishlach, that Yaakov Avinu sent angels before him to greet his brother Eisav. In the commentaries it is written he came in peace, in prayer, and he came prepared for war. This Torah reading is obviously so applicable in our times today. We come before our enemy trying to save our innocent beautiful Jews sitting in captivity. We came in prayer as we saw and see the entire country constantly praying for our dear soldiers to stay alive and defeat the enemy. We saw this week how we came in peace, so to speak, give the enemy what they desired so that in return we received our dear children back safely. Obviously everything is just a small touch, a small taste of the bigger picture. We cannot ignore the fact that everything is coming from the Torah at the exact time. The Torah teaches us where to look for guidance, support and anything we need.

So Yaakov sent angels in front of him. Who are these angels? Is this a metaphor? Were they real angels? Were they regular messengers sent to do a certain mission? The answer is all of the above. We all have angels and messengers that go in front of us. These angels are created by our good deeds, by our ancestors that led the way before us. By the path that we set down for ourselves during our lifetime.

This week also marks the 13th yahrzeit, of the passing away of my dear grandmother, Mrs. Irene Klass. My dear grandmother was a true example of a fighter, of a peacemaker, and of a praying soul that never stopped talking to the one and only Almighty about. My grandmother although a short and small woman, was so powerful and so strong. She guided herself and her family by the values and morals taken straight from the Torah. This guided her every move no matter what was going on in the world outside. Modernization, or any other passing fad, she stood strong by Hashem’s side. What should be done, what needs to be done, she stood strong with the laws of the Torah as her guideline. My grandmother fought for the land of Israel wherever she went. She always had a copy of The Jewish Press tucked neatly under her arm and she always looked like she was ready to meet the king. She was a true representative of the King of the world and she walked proudly wherever she went. Strong with prayer on her lips at all times, she had angels that walked in front of her no matter what she did. Protecting her, showing her the way, and lighting the direction for her and all her children after her. My grandmother loved to sing and I loved to sing with her. What stands out mostly in my mind when I think of my dear grandmother was her strength. She stood strong for her beliefs no matter what. She was not embarrassed by anybody to do what was right. She loved the land of Israel so much and merited having so many of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren living in the land that she supported so dearly. My grandmother created lots of angels with her courage, her love and her support. She sent so much good energy to all those living in the land of Israel. She gave strength for many generations after her to live proudly her in Israel. My grandmother is one of the angels that walks in front of me and gives me the strength to do what’s right in times that seem so confusing. My grandmother dressed like a queen no matter where she went. Although she was only five feet tall, her light shined for miles in front of her and indeed those were her angels from all the good deeds that she did every single day of her life.

I too am a grandmother. Although they are today small young children, I pray that I will be able to pass on this torch of strength, of prayer, and of peace to them as well. I pray that I will be able to pass on to them some day, the angels that guide me, that direct me in every step of the way. So they may see how to conduct themselves in all times, good times or less. So that we all see Hashem in front of us every second and never lose sight of the angels that are guiding us in the direction of the truth.

This coming week is Chanukah. May the lights that lit up the darkness for the Maccabees so long ago, light up the darkness for our brave soldiers in Gaza, for our brave hostages that still remain in captivity, and for all the nation of Israel that is still not sure how to truly guide ourselves. May we merit to help everyone see that the only light in the world it the light of the Torah and Hashem who is the King and Master over us all. May we merit lighting the menorah in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, just as the Maccabees did, and may we see the full Redemption like Yaakov did with his brother Eisav, in our times in mercy. Amen.


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Michal can be reached at [email protected]