Photo Credit: Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis

The song that throbs in our collective Jewish soul is the song of the Torah. It is a song we can never forget. Yes, the lyrics might become fuzzy in our minds but the music remains and when you hear that music and start to hum along, the words come back. It is all so familiar. It speaks to us. It’s balm to our soul. It makes our hearts throb and awakens our minds.

On the other hand, when a muddy gutter is regarded as a royal road, it signals danger. The tragic story of a handicapped man shot in his wheelchair and dumped in the sea is hardly material for a song, much less an opera. As mentioned, songs reflect a nation’s soul. And if those songs celebrate immorality, violence, and degeneracy, there is little hope for society.


It is not just the decadence of art or music that should be sending out real danger signals to the Jewish community. Look at what is happening on college campuses to Jews who dare defend Israel against the slanders of leftist and pro-Palestinian professors and students. Recently a short video received a lot of attention on YouTube. Students from universities from all over the United States were interviewed, and each had a horrific story to relate of intimidation and worse experienced by Jews on campus.

Perhaps some of you will say my thinking is influenced by my nightmarish experiences in the concentration camps. Yes, I am influenced by my experiences. But if I choose to forget them, I would be guilty of slumbering while an inferno threatens our people.

Yes, my experiences during the Holocaust have given me four eyes – two in the front and two in the back. I never forget what happened in the past and I try to be alert to what, G-d forbid, can happen in the future.

So, then, what are we to do? Which way are we to turn?

To be continued


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