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The first Eitan Armored Personnel Carriers delivered to the Nahal Brigade, May 28, 2023.

The Eitan Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) on Sunday were delivered from the Merkava factory in the IDF’s Technological and Logistics Directorate, to participate in their first exercise led by the Nahal Infantry Brigade.

The first Eitan Armored Personnel Carriers delivered to the Nahal Brigade, May 28, 2023. / Ministry of Defense Spokesperson’s Office and IDF Spokesperson’s Unit

Head of the IMoD Tank and APC Directorate, Brig. Gen. Oren Giber, said: “After several years of hard work in developing, testing, and manufacturing, the first serial production Eitan APCs have been delivered to the esteemed Nahal Infantry Brigade.


“The Eitan constitutes a groundbreaking leap forward in the field of wheeled combat vehicles and is the first of its kind in the IDF. It offers a unique set of capabilities, including superior mobility and survivability for our fighting forces. It can fight alongside the Merkava Main Battle Tanks, and the Na’mer Infantry Fighting Vehicles.”

The first Eitan Armored Personnel Carriers delivered to the Nahal Brigade, May 28, 2023. / Ministry of Defense Spokesperson’s Office and IDF Spokesperson’s Unit

The Eitan is an 8-wheeled vehicle much lighter than the Namer, weighing less than 35 tons, fitted with the Iron Fist Light Decoupled active protection system. It can reach a top speed of 90 km/h and carry 12 troops, including 3 crew. It can be equipped with a 30–40 mm gun and a missile-firing position.

Commander of the IDF Nahal Brigade, Col. Oren Simcha, said: “The Nahal Brigade is proud to be the first in the IDF to receive the Eitan APC – a tool that will transform the brigade and allow us to become more operational, independent and protected. We understand the weight of this responsibility and the professional challenge involved in adopting this tool and thank the hundreds of professionals who took part in the planning, development, production, and implementation of the Eitan APC.”

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