Photo Credit: pixabay + David Ha'ivri

Today my guest will be Indigenous Rights activist Ryan Bellerose a Métis – First Nations from Canada. We will be speaking about Ryan’s recent article “Are the Jews Indigenous to the land of Israel? Yes” that appeared in Tablet…boriginal-people
I will also ask Ryan about how he dealt with the “Punch a Zionist” campaign in Canadian Universities and what it means to be a Bad Indian. Why does he thinks that the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria are “Bad Jews” and why he believes that is a good thing.
We will talk about PM Binyamin Netanyahu’s trip to Washington DC and what he should and should not be putting on the table there.
For this week’s Torah insight I will be speaking about Devorah the Prophetess and why she is a unique Judge in the Book of Judges in the Bible.

Please share my show with your friends and feel free to leave your feedback.


A Hebrew in the Heartland 15Feb2017 – PODCAST

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