Photo Credit: Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90
Israeli security forces with a bulldozer enter Tulkarem, December 17, 2018.

Five Israeli Border Police officers were wounded, including three seriously, in heavy clashes with terrorists during IDF activity overnight Thursday in the Tulkarm “refugee” camp.

Earlier reports of a roadside bomb were later clarified to reveal that the police officers were wounded by a grenade thrown by one of the fighters that ricocheted back towards the forces from the upper part of an iron gate that separated them from the terrorists who were firing at them.


Despite their wounds, their lives were likely saved by their commanding officer, who had time to kick the grenade away before it exploded.

The incident took place as the forces were leaving the counter terrorism arrest operation they had carried out in the Palestinian Authority town on Thursday morning.

WAFA reported that two Arab youths were injured in the clashes.

Gunfire exchanges between Israeli forces and terrorists continued as the forces were leaving, and several terrorists were hit. Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were also thrown at the forces.

2 Terrorists Killed Near Avnei Hefetz
Two terrorists were killed Thursday morning after opening fire on an Israeli motorcyclist near Avnei Hefetz, a Jewish settlement on the western edge of northern Samaria. According to reports, the terrorists overtook the rider and shot at him. He managed to avoid the shooting and reported the incident to IDF forces, who gave chase and killed the two a short time later.

A few hours earlier, a terrorist was killed in Shechem during an exchange of fire near Joseph’s Tomb. WAFA reported that an Arab youth was injured by Israeli gunfire, while another was detained, during an Israeli raid at dawn on Thursday at the Balata “refugee” camp, east of Shechem.

WAFA said that large forces accompanied by a military bulldozer stormed the Balata camp from its southern and northern entrances, amid heavy gunfire. The Red Crescent reported that the youth was hit by several bullets in his leg and pelvis, and was taken to the hospital.

According to WAFA, the Israeli forces detained a local resident after raiding his house in the camp, ransacked it, and caused serious material damage to its contents. WAFA claims the forces “deliberately destroyed several Palestinian-owned vehicles in the camp.”

Terrorists threw stones overnight Thursday at Israeli vehicles near the village of Sinjil northeast of Ramallah in Binyamin. An Israeli woman was slightly injured and a civilian whose vehicle was damaged responded with fire. IDF forces were dispatched to the scene and the incident is being investigated.

Here’s hoping they won’t imprison the Israeli who defended his life.

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