Photo Credit: Binyamin Regional Council
Car of the murdered Arab-Israeli in the terror along Route 465 in the Binyamin region of Samaria. Jan. 7, 2024

The Israeli-Arab woman wounded in last week’s terror attack at the “British Police Checkpoint” in the Binyamin region between Ofra and Eli, is still in serious condition. She is undergoing treatment at Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in Jerusalem. The woman, from Jaffa and who works as a pharmacist at Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital in Jerusalem, was shot and seriously wounded, while the driver of the car they were both in, Amar Mansour, a 34-year-old resident of the Beit Hanina neighborhood in Jerusalem, was murdered in the PA Arab terror attack.

The woman was first taken to a Ramallah hospital following the attack, but after the staff realized she was an Israeli citizen they transferred her to Hadassah hospital.


The IDF and Shin Bet managed to identify and arrest the three terrorists in the attack.

The terrorists were identified as medical personnel from the Palestinian Authority – two PA doctors and a (male) nurse, according to a report in Makor Rishon.

The suspects were named as Dr. Eyser Barghouti, an anesthesiologist from the village of Beit Rima; Dr. Khaled al-Haruf, who was arrested in al-Bira, and nurse Murid al-Atri, who was arrested near Jalazon. The two doctors are charged with murder and the nurse is suspected of aiding and abetting the murder.

Doctors of death.

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