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Rabbi Manis Friedman

Chabad of South Broward is holding a Shabbaton featuring world-renowned author, counselor, lecturer and philosopher Rabbi Manis Friedman on Friday night, February 28 through Saturday, March 1.The event will take place at Chabad’s headquarters, 1295 East Hallandale Beach Blvd. in Hallandale.

Rabbi Friedman hosts his own highly rated cable television series, “Torah Forum with Manis Friedman,” syndicated throughout North America. Over 150,000 copies of his provocative and entertaining tapes have been sold. His first book, Doesn’t Anyone Blush Anymore? was highly acclaimed and is now in its fourth printing.


Rabbi Friedman is a noted biblical scholar recognized for his grasp of Jewish mysticism. In 1971 he founded Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies in Minnesota, a yeshiva for girls where he continues to serve as dean. A professionally ranked member of the National Speakers Association, his speaking tours take him to every part of The United States as well as locations around the globe.

The Friday night lecture will be “How to Like the People you Love.”  A delicious Shabbos dinner will follow the services. The charge is $25 for adults and $15 for children. Prepaid reservations are required.

Shabbos morning Tehillim at 8 a.m. will be followed by morning services at 10 and a discussion of “The Kabbalah of Happiness.”

Chabad of South Broward is a leading center for Jewish education, outreach and social services in South Florida, headquartering 12 South Broward County Chabad Centers and the Chaya Aydel Seminary, Chai Tots Preschool, Hallendale Hebrew School, three mikvehs for the physically challenged, daily minyanim and a kollel for businessmen and professionals.

For more information on the Shabbaton or the Chabad of South Broward, call 954-458-1877.

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Shelley Benveniste is South Florida editor of The Jewish Press.