Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Blue is the color of great heights and equally great depths.

Blue is the color that captures deep thought as much as it expresses it.


Blue is the color of the actualized dreams of five plus millennia of mothers toiling with their hands to weave our sacred objects as much as we weave the intricate details of Torah and its ways of life into the growth and development of nations to come.

Blue is the color of remembrance as we acknowledge all the struggles and torments alongside all the joy and levity that has come packaged with the resilience and strength of a people loyal and dedicated to service, service of Hashem, of community, of family, of each other, etc.

Blue is the color of the spark that gathered people to a land and ignited them into something larger than anyone else could imagine or hope.

Blue is continuous. Regardless of its apparent dichotomy, blue is one. .


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Maayan Zik, is an Orthodox Jewish Jamaican-American social activist. She has co-founded organizations such as Ker a Velt and Kamochah, which further her work in social justice and racial equity.