He strengthened his resolve
Knew his life he would lose,
But when the king uttered the words
With great pride he refused.
The boy was quickly dragged away
Before his family’s eyes,
They tried to remain strong for him
Forced themselves not to cry.



The second son stepped forward
He said his last goodbyes,
And the king’s evil command
He stubbornly defied.
His mother’s eyes welled up
With her forbidden tears,
As in a heartbeat once again
Her child disappeared.


Number three was next
Her sons offered their support,
But she stood straight and tall, and proud
Of the lessons she had taught.


Three more followed after
Making their Father proud,
Conducting themselves with dignity
Admired by the crowd.


But she could be strong no longer
When the king saw her last son,
She looked for her children to hold her up
But their support would never come.
She held her breath, she trembled fast
She fell down to her knees,
She hadn’t had much time to teach him
She didn’t know what would be.


The king’s harsh manner softened
“It’s just a tiny thing,
You don’t really have to do it,” he said
Just bend down and fetch my ring.”
The boy mustered up fiery courage
Of which to gain we don’t know how,
“I have but One G-d,” he cried
“And to your idol I won’t bow!”


The king’s eyes blazed with fury
He ordered him taken away,
But his mother pleaded desperately
For a last goodbye to say.


“My darling child,” she whispered
I know the courage you’ve showed,
Your brothers are waiting Upstairs for you
You’ve all made G-d so proud.”
“And when you see Avraham, tell him
He gave up a single son,
While I gave seven children
To prove Hashem is One.”


When he left the world she did too
All of them were gone,
But their family’s legacy
Lives forever on.
Have the courage to stand up tall
To stand up for what is right,
To show G-d is truly Echad
In all His Glory, all His Might.

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