Photo Credit: MSNBC live feed/screen grab
EMS first responders at scene of Tree of Life synagogue massacre, Oct. 27 2018
(The title is the first line of the President’s Roosevelt’s famous ‘Infamy Speech; delivered to a Joint Session of Congress of December 8, 1942. The Day after Japan’s attack on the United States. The speech was broadcast live by radio and attracted the largest audience in US radio history, with over 81 percent of American homes tuning in to hear the President)
Yesterday, Parshas VaYeira, the 18th of Marcheshvan 5779 and October 27, 2019, a day which will in infamy- the Jewish community in the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by an evil anti-Semitic monster.
In a rampage described as among the deadliest against the Jewish community in the United States, Robert D. Bowers, armed with an AR-15-style assault rifle and at least three handguns, and shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire inside a Pittsburgh synagogue on Shabbos killing at least 11 congregants and wounding four police officers and two others.
Along with the eleven Kedoshim who lives he stole and whose relative’s lives he shattered, he also burst wide-open  our childlike bubble of naïveté which contained the unrealistic belief: “it could never happen here.”
However, it did happen here.
Shuls throughout the world were in the midst of reading about Avrohom’s open and welcoming abode, a tent which had four different openings to accommodate everyone from every direction and from every background, race or creed, a murdering monster invaded the sanctity of a synagogue and butchered innocent people for the sole reason that they are the descendants of Avrohom Avinu.
No longer can we walk into our shuls with a  sense of security and safety.
No longer can we can we naively claim, “It could never happen here”. It did happen. It did occur.
As we attempt to digest the events of yesterday there is one message which makes a loud and clear impact on all of us.
Robert D. Bowers didn’t care which denomination the Jews he killed belonged to, his sole intent was to kill Jews.
As we heard the news, not one Jew in the world cared what denomination “The Tree of Life” synagogue associated with.
Not one Jew in the world asked if the martyred were Orthodox, Ultra-Orthodox, Hareidi, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructivist, Egalitarian, Modern-Orthodox, Hareidi-Light, Right-Wing YU, Left-Wing YU, Chassidic, Lubavitch, Satmar, Belz, Sefardic, Morrocan, Persian, Edut-Mizrachi, Zionist, Post-Denominational….
No one asked; it doesn’t matter.
There was only one fact which was important and which mattered: our brothers and sisters were killed.
That’s all that mattered.
Our family was murdered in cold blood.
We will remain scarred and traumatized for the rest of our lives.
Unfortunately, too often it takes a crazed maniac who sole purpose is to kill “Jews” to remind us and awaken us to the reality, that indeed, we all one big family.
And now that some of our family has been killed, all of the rest of us must weep and mourn and yet again plead to Hashem that this never occurs again.
We must strengthen our feeling of togetherness with all Jews and realize that just as Hashem is “Oheiv Amo Yisroel”, (He loves His Jewish people), so too we must reawaken and reinforce the realization that in the final analysis, we are all one family and we must all love each other, irrespective of the type of head covering we wear and irrespective of if the other Jew chooses to have no head covering..
May the families who lost loved ones be comforted among the mourners of Yerushalayim and Zion and may all those injured, including the brave law enforcement officers who bravely confronted this nefarious delinquent have a complete and quick healing and a total Refuah Shelima.

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Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman is rav of Congregation Ahavas Israel in Passaic, New Jersey. His book, “The Elephant in the Room,” is available either directly from the author or at