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My Dear Irish Friends,

The Irish people seem very intense about Israel controlling land that is claimed by the Palestinian Arabs and by Syria, (Golan Heights). One cannot criticize this lovely zeal for fairness, but some consistency is required if the Irish people want to avoid looking like the devout Irish who over the centuries called Jews Christ killers.


These days, accusing Jews of killing Christ is not acceptable, and in the tradition of social innovation, the Irish have found an acceptable alternative which is swarming the Jewish state over acts that no one in Ireland has the interest and energy to apply to any other country.

Consistence should start with the Irish Parliament applying the Israeli solution, (please avoid calling it the final solution) to all occupying countries. Russia would be a good place to start.

Another way to establish consistency is to penalize the Palestinian Government for providing pensions to families of those who kill or attack Israelis. Paying people to murder Israeli citizens can never be considered an appropriate objection to an occupation.

Until Ireland insists that the Palestinian Authority ceases its ‘pay for slay’ program, all your pretenses of fairness for the Palestinians is just another way of calling us Christ killers.

Sincerely yours,

Lawrence . C. Shapiro

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