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This past Friday afternoon we took a short break from Shabbos preparation to do a short tiyul – a tiyul that is very popular and basically only available for a very short period of time right around this point in the year.


This time of the year has such perfect weather for the blooming of the wild lupines on top of a hill right outside Bet Shemesh. The entire top of the hill is covered with these wild purple flowers called Turmusin, or Lupines, in English. Along with other flowers int he area such as Kalaniot…

After a couple of weeks they generally dry up, so the enjoyment period is very short-lived.

The hill is known as Givat HaTurmusin, or Lupine Hill, and is on top of the area called Tel Soche (תל שוכה). For directions, drive along the Highway 38 until the Elah Junction. Turn left on Highway 375 (or right if coming from the direction of Kiryat Gat) and drive about 2.5km until you get to the entrance to a dirt path. Park in that area and hike up that mountain. The path right in front is fairly steep, but I think around the side of the hill there is another path that isn’t as steep. Just hike to the top and enjoy. Bring food to picnic, or whatever.

The entire area is historic, with the battle of David and Goliath happened right there in the Elah Valley,, between Tel Azeka and Elah.. so you will be spending time enjoying the nature and beauty of Eretz Yisrael while stomping on the same grounds as our ancestors..

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Rafi Goldmeier has been living in Israel for 34 years, with his wife and kids, three of whom are participating actively in the war efforts.