Photo Credit: NYTImes

It’s practically criminal what the NYTimes is putting out as news.

In their headline and excerpt about Israel which they sent out by email, the now infamous Diaa Hadid (or her editor) wrote:

2 Are Killed in West Bank as Jewish and Muslim Holidays Approach By DIAA HADID Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian woman at a checkpoint in Hebron on Tuesday, and a Palestinian man was killed by an explosion that the Israeli military described as an accident.


Such questions the original headline raises. Why did IDF troops kill some innocent woman? And how and why did the IDF accidentally blow up some innocent man?

With the most basic and important details left out, the readers are immediately left with a mistaken impression.

Here’s how it should have been written:

2 Suspected Terrorists Are Killed in West Bank as Jewish and Muslim Holidays Approach By DIAA HADID Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian woman at a checkpoint in Hebron on Tuesday claiming she was approaching a soldier with a knife, and a Palestinian man killed himself in an explosion that the Israeli military described as the premature blast from the explosive device he tried to hurl at ambushed IDF troops.

Such minor changes, yet now the headline and excerpt are actually accurate and truthful.

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