Photo Credit: SSP
Menachem, founder of The Smiling Soldiers Project with Sergeant First Class (res.) Elkana Newlander (hyd)

Editor’s Note: The images and stories emanating from the war in Gaza and the battles in the North are overwhelming, seemingly unrelenting. is happy to share the “OTHER” moments, instances of warmth and joy in the lives of our noble IDF warriors, preserved and presented by the lens of photographer extraordinaire, Menachem Geisinsky, the founder and director of “The Smiling Soldiers Project.” Find comfort and hope in these inspiring images.

Previous installments of “The Smiling Soldiers Project” have featured joyful slice-of-life moments in the lives of our soldiers. The following collection of photos is a tribute to the late Sgt. First Class (res.) Elkana Newlander, 24, from Efrat. Elkana was a combat medic in the 99th Division and was killed fighting in the central Gaza Strip. Israel is a small country with negligible separation. Menachem, the founder of “The Smiling Soldiers Project,” spoke with Elkana the night before he was killed. The following are Menachem’s photos presenting moments in the vibrant life of Elkana Newlander (hy”d).






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Menachem Geisinsky is a photographer from New York, currently living in Israel. He is the founder and director of the Smiling Soldiers Project whose purpose is to share the true face and humanity of our noble IDF warriors with the world while bringing joy and a smile to our heroes in uniform.